    I love him, but, he will be only best friends ( sorry my English isn't very well... ) HELP?!

    He loved me, 2 days ago... but yesterday he said; I don't know it anymore......we're now just only best friends okay? I'm really very sad of this... I love him so much!! Can anybody help me whit this? Thankyou! x

    +2  Views: 975 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: love...

    6 Answers

    You are going to have to accept what he is saying.  Also keep in mind that he may be playing games with your head.

    You can't force someone to love you.

    It's best to move on, heal and do things for yourself... under no circumstances appear to be desparate.  It may turn out for the best if you appear to take the news in stride.  Look what happened to Kate and Prince William.  That girl appeared to brush his break-up off and it scared him senseless!

    Good Luck and love yorurself the most right now.

    ....patience, many fish in the sea

    ....good luck

    very sad time. If you can be just a friend,  be one. If he has new girlfriend tt/tandem you can't stand it, don't be frIends. It will be too hurtful.

    your English is as good as some British people. Be friends for now the future may turn out ok

    So stay friends. That gives you a better chance of always being together on one level or another........

    Liefde is niet eenvoudig te houden moet een tweezijdige nog jong en de rest van je leven begint hier heb ik het goed voor je.

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