    Looking for an item which repairs stratch marks on your car

    As seen on a TV programme today in Bundaberg, Qld

    +1  Views: 733 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    There's no magic scratch repair.  If the scratch catches your fingernail  as you drag it across then its too deep for these wonder fixes.  It needs to be rubbed out, as long as its not all the way through to the primer, you can use rubbing compound and work it out, if its beyond the paint and into the primer, you'll need to touch it up with paint and then rub it out.

    Fine scratches can be covered with a swirl remover, meguires makes a good swirl remover and also MeGuires ScratchX will do a great job on fine swirlmarks and minor scratches. Just be patient take your time and work 'em out. As I said, there's no 'as advertised' magic scratch remover,  The only thing they remove is cash from your wallet.  

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