    Is it wrong to have 7 expensive foreign holidays a year

    Ive always wanted to travel but while working and with raising a family could not find the time or money Now I have retired after 40 successful years I am travelling all over the world This year India, Africa, China, USA, Canary Islands Spain and back to India for Christmas and New Year

    My Friends are making sarcastic comments about the holidays Is it wrong to have 7 expensive foreign holidays a year?

    +5  Views: 837 Answers: 17 Posted: 12 years ago

    17 Answers

    Your holidays will benefit the poorer people in the countries you are visiting, so I don't see the problem. To set the balance straight , and to placate your jealous friends, you could do some charity work in the third world.

    My best 'holiday' was when I worked in Guyana for the charity Remote Area Medical, doing basic dental treatment for the Amerindians. I paid to get there, provided the materials at my expense and worked for nothing. It was a trip of a lifetime.

    Lucky you, your friends sound jealous.Next time you plan your holiday don't mention it to them.

    Are your friends going to pay for your holiday? Do they have to mind the cat and dog?

    THEY'RE JEALOUS, GO FOR IT. If I had the chance I'd go as often as I could afford. Don't let your so called friends ruin your life. Get new friends.

    If you can afford it why not?, you worked hard and long and it's entirely your business, don't give up enjoying your holidays to placate a few sour "friends"they probably only think it's wrong because they are unable to do it, good luck and enjoy your retirement years before old age and health problems are an issue

    If you can afford it, and that's what you want to do...go for it. It's your life and you are not answerable to your critics!

    Obviously, someone has told you, or at least given you the impression, that he/she thinks it is wrong.  You care about someone else's opinion about your travels because........????

    You have worked to do that enjoy it. those friends you have are not friends get some real ones

    Travelling the world is a wonderful experience.  Have an amazing time and don't pay any attention to the negative energy.  It is your life to live.

    You worked hard and saved. Enjoy as many hollidays as you can afford now. You deserve them.

    If you can do itl then do it/

    Make sure you have all your vaccinations, though!

    Good luck!!


    hello romoth!

    It is perfectly OK with sounds like you have earned the privilege of spending your post-employment years doing what you love and want to do. 
    It is deplorable of your "friends" to be snide about your excursions.  Suggest telling them "That particular shade of green doesn't become you." 
    Bon Voyage! 

    If you really feel too guilty- I will be glad to go on a couple of your trips for you! Will that be ok with your friends?


    If you really feel bad-- tell them this particular trip was on your bucket list- That should quiet them down!

    its not wrong 2-3 times are ok! but 7 are immurable nd wastage of lot money in a year!


    This person has worked for 40 years. Why can't (s)he waste every penny enjoying travel. It's not throwing it away gambling, drinking, and abusing drugs, for starters.



    One word No. You have worked hard all your life. Maybe you should ditch these so called friends and find new ones whilst you are on your travels.

    im giving away free karma

    does that include AUSTRALIA      :] because we got some good stuff like a dirty river in brisbane with some spare tires and a lot of sunshine

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