    If a 17 year old gets kicked out, do his parents have the right to demand he move back in Washington state?

    0  Views: 608 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    Not sure what their legal status is there, but here you can leave your parents/guardians care at 16, to go wherever they please, if a 17 year old was "kicked" out. he obviously was not living at home to start with, he may well be better off closer to home but try telling that to a teenager. If they fell there is imminent danger (moral or physical) they may have a case, but I doubt it

    i`m not sure but do you have centres such as we do in UK...CITIZENS ADVISE BUREAU(cab)...Or similar who can advise you..they are usually highly qualified Lawyers...who are brilliant if you can`t afford legal fees..if not a social done via GP ref! may not get the area you want but at least you should get a home and plenty of support!..don`t feel ashamed or alone...people ARE OUT THERE TO HELP YOU!!!...very good luck:-) millie xx

    The 17 year old may be able to emancipate himself if he can prove that he is self-supporting. He should, as richardjames suggested, contact a family lawyer, or a legal aid agency. 

    I doubt it.  If he's smart and keeps postponing the court dates, he'll 18 by the time this whole thing gets in front of the judge.  Of course he doesn't know that, yet.

    no they kicked em' out they gotta deal with the consaqueces! "_"

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