    i with suffer with anxiety,depression and nevres, on top of that agoraphobia and panic attacks plus sciatica and leg cramps!i have to attend a wedding shortly, which will involve facing my past in more ways that you could!!!!!! anyone??????????

    nerves........sorry x


    +2  Views: 636 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    You are currently under a physicians' care aren't you? If not...get so! Peace.

    6 Answers

    Blow off the wedding. A full blown panic attack will really leave an impression on the guests. Sit this one out till you can get a grip on your issues.

    Perhaps your anti-anxiety meds will help you cope as well as letting go of the fear and just go and hang out at the desert table or hang with the little ones...they're always good for cheering ones' heart.Have fun! Peace.

    take no more than two shots of brandy and relax. you`ll do great!

    Just keep repeating "AM alright into to yourself. DOC. DOO. taught me that .She is my PSYCHO !!


    Thanks dowsa.

    Follow Follow the DOC!!

    dowsa ? Why say "she" when you address the doctor?? Is not she a "he"???

    OMG.Did DOC have a sex change "Who are you "DOC??

    Poor you!...I`ve suffered agorophobia and anxiety in the past...empathise!...I`d advise you put your health issues first and get the appropriate help...there are lots of people out there to help you!!...A wedding IS supposed to be an enjoyable occasion for the guests too! sounds like you are putting yourself  through more anxity that you can cope with at the moment....I`M sure the Bride and Groom wouldn`t want their guests to be unhappy!..I`D make my excuses and sit this one out ..when you start getting help and startto feel stronger then you`ll start to look forward to these events etc!!..I GOT WELL...I`m sure you can too...however remote and isolated you feel now!

    Good Luck...and DON`T be so hard on are ill! VERY BEST WISHES! millie xx


    millie 111 you are so wise and loving...thank you babe! LL :)

    Ahhh thanks lindilou...REALLY KIND of you..I`M NOT REALLY...I`ve just lived a long and eventful life!!(rotfl)!! sweet of you!! XXX

    If you have a people that are able to support and help you through this you may be O.K, but if you are feeling this apprehensive and fearful don't put yourself through the agony, seek out the help you need to address the issues you have, your state of health is far more important at the moment, and those close to you or those that matter will well understand this

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