    on the list of bra sizes where does 34E fit?

    i knew there was A-D and DD but where does E fit?

    0  Views: 579 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    Your name is Issac. I'm not telling you. Go ask your mother.


    Karma: 45

    no i dont wanna wear it...i just wanna know if that is big or just average...

    (and it is is Isaac)
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    1 hour ago. Rating: 2
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    Ducky: I think ISAAC, that you've had enough suggestions now, regarding your bra question. Take yourself (or your woman) to a store that sells bras and ask these questions. You cannot get proper advice here and this is not a place for you to play. Enough is enough if you get my drift!!! Edit this comment Delete

    7 Answers

    Figure this out yourself please


    Have you tried just typing "Bra sizes," into the search box? I'd give that a try and see what you find.

    A very generous handfull


    thanks :) but i was hoping for a bit more, like is it larger the DD or between DD and D

    Bra size the letter indicates the cup size  A small  G big , I consider C is a nice size and 36 to 38. but woman come in many sizes and shapes

    Bra sizes can go up even higher for some poor souls. That's asking for a lot of back problems...........

    To answer this question more accurately, I must have some visual image of the actual subject.


    me too :)

    As a male" I cant answer that  Only my "Wife`s bra fits me alright .You want to wear one yourself !!   ISSAC ?


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