    the ball is pitched and goes directly into the backstop and lodges into the fence, there is a runner on third, the ball is lodge so hard the catcher is unable to pull it from the backstop fence. Runner comes in and scores. What would be the correct call, allowing the run to score even though the catcher can not make the play. Should the call be dead ball and allow the run to score or live ball and allow the play to go on.

    The ball was stuck so hard, it had to be dislodged with a bat from the outside of the back stop.

    0  Views: 365 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    So, the hitter had no chance to hit the ball...and it wasn't a walk- sounds to me like it was a foul ball, or a strike, and so the runner on third should have stayed there and the pitcher should have continued to pitch with another ball. 


    I'm lost re-your answer.
    Don't understand a thing about baseball rules.

    Yes, it is a bit confusing as some of the rules are like cricket and others are not. I was confused when I went to a cricket match in the UK until my host explained the differences.

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