    is there any thing i can do for lower back pain as going to a pysio is becoming to expensive for me

    0  Views: 430 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    There are exercises you can do. My sister has a bad back and she does exercises everyday. Perhaps you can ask the therapist to give you some exercises to do. But don't tell him you're not coming back.

    I have had back problems for about 40 years, there is no real curer but I find it is worse to sit or stand around, much better to do something even lifting is ok if you bend the knees and keep you back straight. I find a good exercise is swimming and cycling, not at the same time obviously.



    if you figure out how to cycle and swim at the same time, let us know. we want to watch. lmao.

    Joe- I would tell you if I knew...I have a horrible back- but here are some things that might help: massage therapy, myofacial release, meditation/deep brething/biofeedback, reiki therapy, heating pad or ice, changing positions often.  I truly hope your back heals soon! 


    me too. nothing hurts like a bad back or toothache!

    for real i`ve been to the chiropractor many times. i dont think there is a long term solution. i do lie on my back and raise my knees as far as i can and hold them there for a few minutes. this seems to help a little. sorry to hear about your pain. i know what it is.

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