    I made pals with a what I thought was a nice bloke until----he gave me a elect bike as a present so as I could ride it to the stables(yes he was nice till I said no.He then called cops and told them I stole it!!he even swore that we would front of peoplbe partners in mare I was riding for him!!! I dont have the confidence now about men are they ALL like that?KAYE

    I feel he used me,and when I told him he was going to fast,to soon, his revenge was that now,people in the Stawell area believe he is agentlman when he is an outright SLEAZE.Please ,are there any nice peoplein the area?

    0  Views: 2860 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    Pick carefully. There’s as many good ones as there are bad ones. You just gotta know whose who.

    Next time don't take presents from anyone. You can't tell from looking at them whether they are good or not. Don't part with your money either.

    Nobody can be trusted. Single men are the worst. Except for the married ones who act like they are single. 



    Thanks eggplant I am not so dumb anymore but he was a mate of a friend.,and she was just as shocked and she had known him for yrs !!Go figure.How can I meet like minded people as I don't drink and that seems to put off most!


    I don't drink either, never have. I like to be in control of my own self, not something else. 'Drinks in wits our' that goes for drugs too. Don't be influenced by others, do your own thing. You'll meet someone nice, don't worry. And if you don't, well you are your own person.

    No notall men are like this I most certenly am not. I am afraid that in these times it seems that everyone is out for what they can get. l myself take at least 6 mounths between stages and make it 100% clear what intentions and motives are, so no-one gets hurt. Bythe way i am male. I wish you all the best with your problem and hope it is resolved quickly.

                                                                                  regards Michael Cooper

    no not all men are the same.if some one does any bad thing to u it will come from where the problem is and what was that matter that made him to do such things.

    You were being groomed for other nefarious reasons...these type of people are out there but in a small minority...

    yes there are more nice people in here come to Ghana and u will get more nice and trusted people i am one..


    I have noticed on line, there are a lot of scams from Nigeria also Ghana,I dont mean that every one is same.

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