    what does trick mean

    0  Views: 786 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    We need more information. The way you have this categorized, I suspect you mean in a card game, am I correct? 

    A trick-taking game is a card game or tile-based game in which play of a "hand" centers on a series of finite rounds or units of play, called tricks, which are each evaluated to determine a winner or "taker" of that trick. The object of such games then may be closely tied to the number of tricks taken, as in plain-trick games such as Whist, Contract Bridge, Spades, Napoleon, Rowboat, and Spoil Five, or on the value of the cards contained in taken tricks, as in point-trick games such as Pinochle, the Tarot family, Rook, All Fours, Manille, Briscola, and most "evasion" games like Hearts.[1] The domino game Texas 42 is an example of a trick-taking game that is not a card game.
    Trick-and-draw games are trick-taking games in which the players can fill up their hands after each trick. Typically players are free to play any card into a trick in the first phase of the game, but must follow suit as soon as the score is depleted. 

    Merriam Webster Dictionary
    trick noun \?trik\

    Definition of TRICK

    a : a crafty procedure or practice meant to deceive or defraud
    b : a mischievous act : prank
    c : an indiscreet or childish action
    d : a deceptive, dexterous, or ingenious feat; especially : one designed to puzzle or amuse d : a sexual act performed by a prostitute ; also : john 2
    : an attractive child or woman
    See trick defined for English-language learners »
    See trick defined for kids »
    Examples of TRICK

    It was a trick to persuade her to give him money.
    She enjoys playing tricks on her friends.
    For his last trick, the magician made a rabbit disappear.
    Origin of TRICK

    Middle English trikke, from Anglo-French *trik, from trikier to deceive, cheat, from Vulgar Latin *triccare, alteration of Latin tricari to behave evasively, shuffle, from tricae complications, trifles
    First Known Use: 15th century
    Related to TRICK

    Synonyms: artifice, device, dodge, fetch, flimflam, gambit, gimmick, jig, juggle, knack, play, ploy, scheme, shenanigan, sleight, stratagem, wile, sleight of hand
    Synonym Discussion of TRICK

    trick, ruse, stratagem, maneuver, artifice, wile, feint mean an indirect means to gain an end. trick may imply deception, roguishness, illusion, and either an evil or harmless end . ruse stresses an attempt to mislead by a false impression . stratagem implies a ruse used to entrap, outwit, circumvent, or surprise an opponent or enemy . maneuver suggests adroit and skillful avoidance of difficulty . artifice implies ingenious contrivance or invention . wile suggests an attempt to entrap or deceive with false allurements . feint implies a diversion or distraction of attention away from one's real intent .

    2trick verb

    Definition of TRICK

    transitive verb
    : to dress or adorn fancifully or ornately : ornament
    : to deceive by cunning or artifice : cheat
    See trick defined for English-language learners »
    Examples of TRICK

    He tricked her by wearing a disguise.

    First Known Use of TRICK

    circa 1500
    Related to TRICK

    Synonyms: bamboozle, beguile, bluff, buffalo, burn, catch, con, cozen, delude, dupe, fake out, fool, gaff, gammon, gull, have, have on [chiefly British], hoax, hoodwink, hornswoggle, humbug, juggle, misguide, misinform, mislead, snooker, snow, spoof, string along, sucker, suck in, take in, deceive 

    3trick adj

    Definition of TRICK

    : trig
    a : of or relating to or involving tricks or trickery
    b : skilled in or used for tricks
    a : somewhat defective and unreliable
    b : inclined to give way unexpectedly
    See trick defined for English-language learners »
    Examples of TRICK

    a trick shot in pool
    He has a trick knee.
    First Known Use of TRICK

    circa 1530 

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