    Dharun Ravi was sentenced today to 30 days in jail for filming another student

    who happened to be gay, in a romantic encounter with another male. This student, Tyler Clementi, was so distraught, that he committed suicide shortly thereafter. What do you think of the sentence?

    +3  Views: 1276 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: legal

    6 Answers

    This is a sad message of what a life is worth...I can't say more as much as I'd like to.........

    No one will ever know the exact reason the kid jumped off the bridge but, Ravi was part ways responsible and I think 30 days was a drop in the bucket............

    What Ravi did is unexusable. He schould have been deported on top of the 30 days in prison. Our Justice system is truly lacking.

    It may not have been the only reason...but it was cruel and vindictive...and obviously didn`t exactly help the poor guy!....I`M NOT SURE WHAT i THINK RE THE SENTENCE!...I do think he deserved some time in jail...if only to think about things..and community service...but if he has a conscience then he is going to have to live with himself for the rest of his life!:-¬

    From the evidence that, I heard on HLN, there was no supporting evidence or suicide note that indicated that the webcam or it's disclosure was reason for his jumping off GW Bridge thus killing himself.  There may have been other causes as well, in his emails he only stated "Jumping off GW Bridge, SORRY.

    I think the appropriate turn in this is for Ravi to experience the same event himself as that of Tyler Clementi. The betrayal of trust, an inability to handle the situation and so forth including the suicide. Obviously such an experience would instill a sence of compassion, dignity and empathy. 

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