    my boy friend just dummped me and went right over to my bff and asked her out an she said yes

    IM sssssssooooooooooo sad  :(

    +5  Views: 2930 Answers: 21 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: love

    21 Answers

    It happens. You're young and you haven't learned how to pick your friends wisely. Apparently she was not your bff. You've not lost anything but a fake friend and a boyfriend you were not suited to. It hurts but the hurt will pass and you will learn some very valuable lessons. This is what life is all about...learning. Learn well so you can better protect yourself in the future.  


    She's a young teen. You put too much thought into kids that don't know any better. Were you ever a kid Umbriel or do you just forget what it's like to be a kid? Or because you are so drawn to young "women" just out of being teens that you give them more credit that you should just to make yourself feel OK about hooking up with girls young enough to be your granddaughters?

    She's still better off without both of them as they are all young and these "friendships" rarely last after they leave school anyway. They are kids. They don't know yet who they should be with because they do not even know themselves yet.
    I was not being negative, I was being real. Wake up to the real world Umbriel. You only know the one you had to create for yourself in order to live the way you do. I've told you before, I'll tell you again, you may fool most but you do not fool me.

    Sage advice Colleen.

    Darling? Welcome to the real world. Full of hurts and misguidance's You will out grow them all and come out the stronger for them. Mourn them and get over them and move on and grow...............

    Years from now you'll realize just how lucky you are.  Many people find out  years after they're married that their husbands want out.  You have invested 4 weeks of your life with him:  NO BIG DEAL.  Plenty of fish in the ocean!  Move on.


    Your life has been blessed by the removal of two people who were not really interested in you. Yes you were treated like a bus stop. So that just means your ride is just a little furthur along, be patient and open to what is right for you.

    Move on , neither of them are your true friends.

    Drop them both and  intentionally seek out REAL friends. (P.S.  Opposite of them).

    You have every good reason to be sad.  It is hurtful and humiliating to be dumped by someone you had a relationship with and trusted with your feelings.  When the person who is supposed to be your best friend is so shallow, thoughtless, and selfish as to accept a date with that person, when she "should be" damning him to hell (figuratively speaking) is even worse.
    As you've been told by the smart people here, these two people have no business in your life other than a lesson learned.  Talk to your mom or dad about this, if you can, or another adult you can trust. I wouldn't discuss this with any peers. Too much drama and gossip could have you looking like the troublemaker.  
    Head up, smile, and know there are better people in your life.   

    Hmmm....I am going to guess that you, your bff, and boyfriend hung out a lot together..perhaps with a few others.  Sometimes this exact thing happens- your bff and boyfriend liked one another and started to think that they would be a good match.  I don't know the entire story but I am sorry that this happened to you.  Sometimes you have to ask for loyalty with your friends.  In any case, you will be ok.


    I am a huge believer in being sovereign to my beloved ones...I never talk ill of those I love nor even think ill...I am a true earth dog sign...loyal to a fault maybe but loyalty...being a sovereign lover...that's for me. :)

    Life lessons are tough and when it hurts you are really learning something big.  The best thing to remember is, if you are brave enough to understand the lesson that you are now learning, that lesson will never turn up in your life again. 

    Best wishes to you, Fishlet

    Ditch them both!I'm sad you are sad but all things change all the time and soon you'll be glad which is infectious and so too will I (be glad that is)...That being said I think you may enjoy a change of scenery away from the mindgamers and headtrippers that pretended to befriend you...get out there and mingle with some of your people with whom you haven't become so intimate with...those with similar interests or friends you've maybe been ignoring due to the dramatics and antics of these recent two...Jupiter and Stupider. Forget them.Peace and get out and live!!!


    Harsh but sometimes you need to be decisive. I agree.

    Mother used to call me the "bulldozer" for my delicate usage of!

    Very difficult to be betrayed by the two people you felt you could trust and care for, but hold your head up, don't give them the satisfaction of seeing miserable, concentrate more on other friends and go out, if if you don;t really feel like it at the moment it will help

    Your glass is half full...  You could have been married to him and your best friend could have been married too (to another man). This is life.


    Looks like I missed your 200k celebration, valR. Thanks for all your good input and support. Cool Beans on crossing the 200 mark.

    The lesson learned here is to never brag to your best friend on how you have the best boy friend.


    Who said that she bragged..yep maybe talked excitedly to so called bff re her new boyfriend..but don`t we times..especially when we`re younger:-¬...It`s still rotten of them to treat her this way...I bet her bff will eventually be the one to regret losing her friend..she`ll probably come running for sympathy if he does similar to her!!...Sounds like the two of boyfriend and bff deserve one and other!!!:-0

    A friggin man! Ed that is truly the lesson!

    I know it must be difficult as you sound young.But i reckon neither of them are worth losing sleep over.I ditched my boyfriend a few weeks ago,for a couple of days i was full of doubt that id done the right thing but some people youre better off without.Sounds as if your ex boyfriend and your "friend" are in this catergory.Take care x

    shes not a true friend then as true friends wouldnt do this,your better than the pair of them,and who is your friend going to turn to wen he does the same to her,believe me id rather have no friends than a friend like her ,

    both of them are bad news........unfaithful, selfish, traitors.  You're better off without them.

    Hmmmm .... Hmmmm .... You gotta watch your back, girl. I'm not saying that this problem was your fault. I'm just sayin'

    I feel for you right down to the tips of my toes.  HEAL, SWEETIE!

    Go get yourself someone new and better. If you have any extra cash buy yourself presents like new make up, new blouse, new shorts, new bag, new fragrance, ice cream.  Don't bury your head. FORWARD MARCH!!!

    P.S. You can't "buy" new friends but I have a feeling that you know how to get them.

    stay busy n no matter what dont give in if they try to throw it in ur face.the best thing you can do is stay positive n trust me your better off without them. karma will get them back you just do you. the same thing happened to me not once but multiple times one time is too many. keep moving forward. check this out one of the guys i used to date left me for my sister!trust me take a deep look at ur problems n tell yourself i wont let anyone or myself feel this low again! things could always be worse. n everything always happens for a reason. either cuz it was ur bad karma or theirs. dont ever wish or do bad things to others it will come back at u twice as hard. this situation ur in look at it as a lesson. if you dont like the outcome then figure out wat ur doing wrong. never stop focusing on wat u need to do for yourself youll wind up lost and confused. sincerly V.M.


    one more thing two wrongs dont make a right! What Doesnt Kill you makes you stronger Remember that!
    hang in there youll be fine focus on ur goals n stay busy! if you dont know what to do try somethin new. something productive always helped me.

    Next time don't have hungry females hanging around your man.  If she does not have a boyfriend.  Let her go out with the other single girls and get one.  If she's single and boyfriendless, who's the obvious choice.  Your man.  Women make this mistake over and over and over.  I  wish somebody would write a book on this topic.   The extra woman hanging around many times ends of going with the attached man.  Great for men, bad the girl/woman.  Some famous examples.  Gov Arnold Swartenager and his wife Maria.  He had a child with the maid.  Comedian Robin Williams ended up marrying the nanny. Actor/action hero Steven Sagall,  who was married the actress that did the commercial and said, "Don't hate me cause I'm beautiful." ended up leaving that beauty for the baby sitter and is now married to the baby sitter.  Comedian Roseanne Barr and then husband Tom Arnold had a real cute persoanal assistant.  Roseanne took her shopping.  Her and the girl dressed alike.  Tom and the girl started having sex.  When Roseanne found out, she fired the girl, locked Tom out of the office, fired him and then divorced him.   If you are going to have a cute young thing hopping around your house, don't be upset when he leaves you for her. Did you learn anything from it.  You mite be the one to write that book. Don't cry too much, move on and be happy you got that wisdom young.  Some people never get it.

    wow....what type of friend is that...i hope yall not still friends...cause if she do it 2 u once,,,she will do it again....


    You are soooo right, gina.

    exactly !

    ur better than that and besides u dont want him as a boyfriend , doll ur self up and get out and find urself a real man and ditch that so called friend

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