    is akaQa a spoof?it seems to generate random and idiotic replies and crap about karma-its certainly upsetting my karma.

    0  Views: 395 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    If you stay a while you will quickly discover there a far more idiotic questions generated, than answerers.

    Most answers are quite factual and beneficial for some to the very confused questioners the search this forum. IMO

    Where else can you get so much free advice?




    Perhaps you do not understand that everyone here is a volunteer and the admin do allow humor and socializing. As Jack said, any questions that need real answers or real help, get it. This is what akaQA is, a fun, helpful website with caring people who happen to have a sense of humor. Relax and have some fun instead of looking for things to pick at ;) 

    I like it. If it's a spoof, then I'm in for a lot of disappointment.................


    "Hey Fidget, what are you doing?"

    "I'm looking for the spoof."

    "Really? What's that?"

    "Dunno, Fudget says we're one. I guess I'll keep looking until I find something that looks like a fudget spoof."

    There are a lot of very silly questions but their good ones too you have to look for them but the silly ones you can not help lampooning the silly ones that make no sense"" ""


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