    Should USA end its Cuban Trade Embargo ?

    +7  Views: 1317 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago



    10 Answers



    I agree. Besides, what has it accomplished ?

    CHINA. Now THERE'S democracy in action, eh ? And China is no threat compared to Cuba ;-)

    I  think it should end. The thing it's hurting are the people who live there.  They don't necessarily agree with the government. (I guess)


    That's the sad truth. Who cares what the people's plight is ?

    I do! Someone I know had visited Cuba years ago! They say the country is beautiful. It would seem like a great warm vacation spot. That would mean many jobs for their people.

    Canadians are major Cuban tourist customers.The climate is exceptional and the people are as warm and friendly as any I've ever encountered.They can turn our version of misery into simple joy better than anyone.

    So you have been to Cuba?

    @Clu. I'm a regular. Try to get there every winter. World's finest cigars,silky smooth rum and spectacularly looking women.(I just look )and the climate...yeah...the climate.

    I hope you are understanding that I think trade with Cuba SHOULD be open to all! I'll bet you have a fine time, Digger basking in the sun, enjoying the sites and pretty ladies!

    accomplished?? Zip, Zero, Nul!!!!


    One would think that any government policy yielding no results in 50 plus years would be scrapped or at least revisited. Curious how this one isn't.

    Hmmm. well Gitmo (Guantanmo Bay military installation) Is in Cuba...perhaps there is a bargain of some sort???

    The disputed US sovereignty of Guantanamo Bay dates way back; long before Fidel was on anyone's radar. Frankly, it's pretty ballsy of the American government to enforce its presence to this day. Might makes Right.

    They have been trying to "close Gitmo" but that seems to be all talk no action!!!!

    By all means the threat is long over the only ones whom are really hurt are the average citizens why make them suffer cause a Dictator whos main objective was power and submission.


    The Cuban missile crisis succeeded the original embargo which was instituted purely as a retaliatory measure to Fidel's nationalization of mainly US corporations.
    As you correctly stated, the crisis is long gone.The Soviet Union is also long gone. Yet,corporate memories die hard.

    STRONGLY NO!!!!!!!!!



    You sound very unequivocal. Why not ?

    There's pros and cons for both 

    Last October, Cuba received support for lifting the embargo from 186 countries. Only Israel voted in support of Washington. International support of the policy has vanished.

    Since 1961. Washington moved to restrict a number of cuban exports into the Us Mm,dealing a harsh blow to the islands fragile economy.

    Cubas current leader Paul Castro has made repeated calls to end the embargo, but he said Washington is making this impossible..

    The US. Government seems to be chained by the past.In a recently declassified document dated 1961, it was revealed that Washington,s main objective was to cause hunger, desperation and suffering.

    Sinbce Obama took office hopes were running high that the embargo would finally be lifted, cbut so far only a number of restrictions have beenn lifted.

    Food and medicine now can move freely to the Island. Travel between Cuba and the US is also easier

    The Cuban embargo long ago outlived its usefullness. Cubans aren.t our enemies





    There's that HOPE AND CHANGE again.

    ....that never came to pass.

    Yes, and it will soon.


    How you feeling ED hope all is well..
    ed shank

    Thanks for asking Daren. I had surgery, a sub-total lobectomy on my left lung. I'm doing doing well so far. Some discomfort. Something to be said for pain, it reminds you that your still alive.

    I would be interested in looking into the matter after November 2012. 


    Is your position likely to change then? If so, what do you think now ?

    Cuban Americans are strongly opionated on this subject and I think they should decide how we deal with Cuba.

    Wow. Why should a small group of Americans,with conflicting interests no less, be the ones to determine US foreign policy? America has its own values and interests. Those are the ones that should drive policy, not interest groups.If Cuban-Americans are so determined in perpetrating Cuban misery, they should move back there with their victims and share the pain.

    Cuban Americans have relatives in Cuba, are very much aware of the situation there and with the US Government. Many have business interests or will have business interests there if the embargo is lifted but what’s the point if Cuba is not willing to capitalize commerce in the private sectors to allow trade and commerce among their own people?

    ...and 4 years after asking the question, Obama delivers.

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