    still tring to find a stuffed dog, which was also a puppet, it was beige with long brown ears and you could put your fingers in his front paws. I bought him in 1989-1991, anyone have any idea how to find him, or even know the manufacturer's name? Please help, it is a special gift to my daughter who had her original one stolen...thank you

    +1  Views: 965 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    Thanks I tried them too. I think the key to this is the manufacturer's name and I'm at a loss, but thanks for all your help.

    3 Answers

    I have also tried finding this stuffie... I need a name brand.  I am having no luck at all.  Sorry.


    I know I need the name of the manufacturer, I'm out of places to turn, but your help is so appreciated.

    You could post a free ad here at this Plush Toys site>>>

    Try here as well>>>


    I tried the puppet store and posted on the icollectorbazaar and am waiting to hear from them. Thanks for all your help

    I have tried to search for you but more info is needed.  Was this puppet on television and if so, in what country?  Or was it in a movie and if so, which movie?  Have you tried to "Google" it or have you tried eBay?


    He was purchased in 1989-1991. was a beige stuffed dog/puppet, he had one brown eye patch, short fur and had hind legs with a short brown tail, also hada brown velveteen mouth. He was never on tv or in a movie. I tried google and many search engines as well as ebay. I am desperatetly trying to find him for my daughter. He was stolen (amazing, huh). Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated. thank you so much!

    I have checked about a dozen sites and cannot see anything even close. Sorry.

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