    How do i get my girlfriend back 1 year after the breakup without no contact for almost 1 year? i still love her and i feel that we are meant to be together do i have any chance to get her back?

    0  Views: 1313 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: breakup

    8 Answers

    Send her a letter. Explain your feelings. If she is interested, she will reply. If not, well then you have your answer. 

    You have to remember the two of you broke up for a reason. Too much time has lapsed, even if you were to re-kindle the relationship i doubt things would ever be the same.However,  you could still give her a phone call and ask would she like to catch up, i doubt it though, i'm guessing she would have moved on with her life.

    do as Colleen suggests, you have let it go a long time, you may well find she has moved on with her life

    Somethings are better left un-answered!!!  I've been asking myself the same questions for 32 yrs.

    A year is a long time for your feelings to suddenly reoccur. I assume this is sudden. What is going on in your life for you to feel this way after so long a time? You need to think about this....

    If I were your x-girlfriend I would ask you why you waited a year to decide to tell me this.  (Now a logical answer would be the manatees were supposed to tell you months ago.  They are forgetful- the manatees that is.  Lovely creatures.  They like iceburg lettuce heads if you ever find yourself near one.)

    Are you feeling desperate again?  Move on.  Plenty of fish in the sea.


    NOOO!   Move on & get a life...

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