    are gutter covers good

    0  Views: 1150 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    It really depends on the brand. Some are good and some create more of a problem by trapping the leaves and forcing the water to just flow over the gutters and straight down to the ground where it collects along the foundation. Go to stores that sell them and have the sales person explain each system they have in stock. Or call for quotes from gutter companies and have them come out and show you what they install and how it works.  Knowledge is power. 


    Thanks Colleen. Good advice. I'm torn between the possibility of damage from leaves sitting on top and possibly causing a ice build up and damage to the shingles. I would like to hear from some one that has used them.

    I have them. I got the slotted ones. The leaves can get trapped so I still have to climb up and knock the leaves away. There is a screen design that looks better than what I have.

    Depends on what part of the country you live in, what type of trees are around and the pitch of your roof line. One product will be good for one home but bad for another. Going to a Yard and Garden show with pictures of your house and environment will better equip the vendors to match the product to your specific needs.

    Good for what?



    What do you think?

    are they a good idea for keeping leaves and twigs from plugging the gutter? Can damage to the house or roof result from using them?
    Jack Large

    I own seven properties, five of which are in cold parts of the country. Those that are in cold parts of the county, that are only one story, have had all of the rain gutters removed since I acquired them.

    The reason is, I have discovered that they can freeze and cause a build up of ice up onto the roof and allow water to get under the roof covering, causing water damage.

    Those that are greater than on story have cutters, but the lowest end of the rain gutter, past the the down spout, is turned up on a 30 degree angle, not closed off. The reason is, so the leaves will be flushed out automatically by the flow of water, preventing any freeze ups.

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