    Can a woman who has gone through menopause still get pregnant?

    0  Views: 777 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

     You can be PERI-MENOPAUSAL (IN THE PROGRESS OF MENOPAUSE)<for UP TO 5 YEARS!....This is when you may not have periods or irregular periods,and think that you have completed the menopause!...A lot of women slip up here as it is an absolute possibility that you can still CONCEIVE!!!...Your DR. CAN NOW DO A SIMPLE BLOOD TEST TO TELL YOU HOW FAR OFF THE MENOPAUSE you may actually be/at what stage!...But it is still better to err on the side of caution!

    Hope that helps,

    millie xx

    No. menopause is the womans body's way of stoping periods, which stops them from getting pregnant. It's like a teenage girl going through puberty, only in the oppocite direction.


    Menopause is the end of eggs production from the overy's. No eggs means you can not get them fertilized by male so no Pregnances posible


    Sorry William....WRONG!!!...Many people believe that...but many women think its safe..see above!..Also peri/menapausal women who have unprotected sex are one of the highest group suseptible to STD`S and HIV!!(ie mainly if they indulge in casual sex)!!

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