    Any special Mothers' Day plans?

    +3  Views: 1022 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    I spent the day with my daughter as Australia is ahead time wise, she gave me the most beautiful little card that i can keep in my wallet.This is what it says.

                                                     I Love You Mum

                                         You've raised my spirits often

                                         when i have felt depressed,

                                         supported and encouraged me

                                         when life has got me stressed.


                                       For everything you've done

                                        for me and all that you still do,

                                        I want you to know, mum, just

                                        how much i love you.


    This is beautiful and so special

    Very thoughtful gift; I especially like that you can keep the card with you and be reminded any time! :D

    No greater gift than the gift of love!! Peace

    I spent most of the day having ( yet more) back surgery, but both my children called, and a fantastic surprise was a visit from hubby, I had driven myself to hospital as he fly's out to Sydney tomorrow, the most beautiful flowers in hand I've ever seen, it was a huge effort for him to drive interstate to see me, he could only stay an hour as the trip is a few hours from home, a truly thoughtful and wonderful surprise.


    That was a nice surpise . I hope you get better soon.

    Thanks Anne, this should be the last of a series of operations and hopefully the end of back pain and neuropathy

    I'm glad you had a surprise Mother's Day, Lamb, hope everything goes well for you at the hospitable.:)

    You deserve no less. Wishing you a speedy and thorough recovery!

    thanks all, my back is all "wired for sound" now,just have to work out the machine to run the programs.... should keep me out of mischief

    I go to church on Sunday (either at 10:15 or noon).  I would like to take my mom to the cemetery to put flowers on my dad's gravesite and then have a meal with her.  


    G'day Ms Bob, i should really take some flowers for my mother at the cemetery, but i can't bring myself to enter one as i hate cemeteries.

    You are lucky to still have your Mom. I hope you have a great day.

    I'm just gonna hang with my beautiful children and do some Mothering...I love that part...



    No better way to spend Mother's Day, enjoy Lindilou. :)

    A perfect day.

    Just got home from picking up my partner from church along with our grand daughter, myself was at football to watch our grand son play , dropped them off at my daughter in law's home then back at six for a Mother's day Dinner, she is doing a Roast, i just love roasts but it not my special day. ( I just gave my better half flowers)


    Nothing like family.I wish my children would live closer.

    Sound like a terrific day! What a blessed man you are, bulletman!

    My daughter, her husband and my two grandsons are picking me up early for a steak dinner at Salt Grass Steak House (Dallas,Texas).  5/12/12 was my (only) daughter's birthday.  So, we will be celebrating both  Mother's Day and a Happy Birthday.


    what a great mothers day gift she must have been

    I spend mothers day with my daughter. I just saw my two sons last weekend in Connecticut at my grandaudhter graduation from college.. We will have a nice quiet day.

    With two sons in jail, the most I can expect (and I don't) is a phone call.  With my youngest son, he has ignored even a pleasant thought my way for Christmas, my birthday, or Mothers' Day.  He's made plans for my mother which don't include me, but she and I have our plans for later.  My best friend's husband isn't feeling well today, so I am taking his place at a breakfast in about an hour. 

    My three sons are going to receive short, to the point letters that reflect the advice I just gave a woman who says her friend has been bullying her for 20 years.  Practice what you preach.  

     Kitty 5 Did nothing for mothers day, because my Furey babys, dont know how to celbrate. so no party. They just like to make themselves look more beaytiful.


    I don't expect a call but, it would be lovely... Right now I'm reading the last installment of THE HUNGER GAMES (MOCKINGJAY) and drinking beer. About to bathe the dogs. Do I know how to celebrate or what..................?


    Sounds like a lovely plan.

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