    i lost my manual for a eddie bauer adventure travel system and i need another one

    i need another instruction manual for my eddie bauer adventure travel system, its a stroller, car seat and base altogether. the model # is TR157SNW110413GB the product I think is 22990BLK. But I need another manual, because I dont know how to install the car seat in the car

    0  Views: 1301 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    Your vehicles Owners Manual has "How to" instructions for the installation of child safety seats, in its vehicles.



    okay but Jack Large, I'm wanting the actual instruction manual for my stroller/ car seat bundle that I Because I am wanting to know how to install the car seat base, and then how to install the car seat into the base
    Jack Large

    The base uses the same latching system. Federal Regulations sets the procedure for all vehicles and seats. In your case the base. I can't imagine connecting the seat to the base, as being difficult.

    If it is, take the vehicle to a dealer of your brand and they will help you.

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