    What worries you if anything?

    +9  Views: 2828 Answers: 23 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: life

    23 Answers

    I'm pretty laid back, I've always had a positive attitude about most things.

    When the kids were young I worried about how they would turn out, needn't have bothered, they turned out fine. Now I don't have a care in the world, I'm happy and that's all that really matters, is it not?



    "It's Good to be King" :)

    It is Doo, it is!

    Great attitude.

    "THE knock on the door ."Mother -in -law standing outside "Crying I am "back !! and that's "NO" dream either.


    Does the Mother-in-law Follow the Teddy Bears?

    She's an out-law not an in-law :)

    NO. Romos she likes "TICS not "Fleas Follow Follow.

    YOU said it DOO.but you should know me by now I "crawl!!

    :) (I know)

    I don't know if I am so much worried but I am concerned about who 'Russell the Rock' will become today... I am hoping not Marilyn Manson or Demi Moore... He really is creeping me out.


    Rocky and Bullwinkle ?

    He's been rather silent of late.

    The state of our Economy mostly.


    Don't worry about that Ann, you can't do much about that. Let them who get paid to sort it have the worry.

    sunny B, I mostly worry about my children and grandchildrens future. IT looks very bleak.

    Ann I know what you mean, The future is going to have many problems for the next generations.

    I don't worry about much these days, just take things as they come. Too old and too poor to let anything bother me.


    Not much to worry about here either, though I sometimes get concerned I've overcooked my steak, or run out of cream for the porridge (and yes I have to have cream)


    In Scotland it has to be salt, but not all conform,cream and fruit are popular, but not for me.

    Finding a job in this econemy as well as retirement. the future is now or what i make of it .I owned a very lucrative trucking company for almost 30 years till the bottom fell out, now it's like starting over..

    ...worry? worry? I worry but I don't want to...about everything imagineable...well not everything..just money...I worry that a big sack of unmarked cash will fall out of the sky on top of me....LMAO!!!!""


    Always wear your helmet...just in case. :)

    I'm not a worrier...Except right now I'm worried about my electric bill, kind of.  I got the dogs bathed so all is well offhand.....

    I try to remember that most of the things that I (and others) worry and fret about, never happen.  That has been true in the past and will be in the future.  I also know that worrying doesn't help anything so...I make every effort to carry on, move forward and know....whatever is going to happen will happen!  I simply cannot control everything, nor do I care to do so, even when I have concerns.

    The Usual worries I suppose...The Kids ..Health and My 90 year old Mum!...Though we try to see life as it is and take each day as it comes...and we do have fun! :-)

    I am concerned about a lot:  my mom, my sons (each complete with his own set of stuff), my health, my finances, salvation. That's just the stuff closest to me.   There are other things, but worrying doesn't help anything and it literally makes me sick.....I went to the doctor this morning and got a prescription. :o


    yes worries make you sick and does not help. You agree so why worry?

    I'm working on NOT :D

    I used to worry in my past. Not anymore or not as much. I do my best to prevent bad things that are under my control and deal with bad  things that are not under my control as and if they happen. Being extremely busy also helps.

    Nothing. Worrying does not solve problems so why worry? 

    I worry about not reaching 100K karma before my 2 year anniversary.


    Russell-o-nator was suspended. Haven't a clue for how long, why or exactly when.
    I think there is a very good chance that you will reach 100K before your 2nd. Anniversary... Miracles Man Miracles!

    Do you know what will happen to you if you don't reach it by the deadline? (You do realize just how serious that is, don't you?)

    Fishlet: I'm back from a wonderful vacation in Hawaii! I feel good! Calm, relaxed and sunburned! Life is good!

    I think I loose more sleep when my little girl has a good nite sleep, Were not use to that and I think I wait for any little sound from her, If not then I go and peek,

    My health at this point in my life. Just found out that I have another health issue, when will this end. My optometrist tells me I have a partially detached retina in my left eye, my days at the track are literally over. 


    I don't mean to pry but are you half blind then?

    They can fix a detached retina now, can't they?

    So sorry to hear, Ed. It can be fixed with sugery and the sooner the better. Good luck and God bless.
    ed shank

    Aldewicht, not blind but very limited sight. Yes Ducky it can and will as soon as other issues are addressed. Thank you Ann.

    oh okay :) good to hear

    All the best ed.


    I worry about my own animals and other peoples animals I know I worry over my work I am just a born worrier and the state of all the countrys wether there will be a war it goes on and on


    Ducky you know how I feel thanks xx

    Lots of things are simply out of our control and (objectively) we know that worrying cannot help. We worry anyway.

    Ducky that is so true in what you said thanks I am glad I am not the only one out there! xxx

    Religion and War

    Mostly it was thanks to politics.

    Politics destroyed religion and war....

    Sometime i am worry when my grandfather is sick, because i don't want to lose him never.I am not learned to lose somebody, in fact i have lost the feel that i have a father but i don`t hate him just don`t feel nothing for him like a daughter for a father.

    sometimes alone i worry a stranger is gonna kill me or kidnap me


    Then you have to be super careful :)

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