    a christian said on the radio that( god was loving god and angry god) confused a little here.

    quote taken from radio nottm on thursday.


    +1  Views: 640 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    The best explanation I have is similar to Vinny's.  I love my children unconditionally, but, boy, do they disappoint me.....sometimes they are disrespectful, dishonest, disreputable (to others, themselves, and/or me).  They sometimes apologize; sometimes they "just don't get IT".    Whether they do or not, I still love them, but the sadness, disappointment, and (sometimes) anger lingers.  An apology and sincere attempts to "do better" are always accepted.  

    I believe it is similar in the eyes of God, though I cannot comprehend His magnificence.   

    Indeed GOD loves us but he gets angry when we do wrong just like any loving parent would..


    Don't be stupid. You are putting someone or it on the same level as man.

    I'm sure your mom loves you but you probably made her angry many times..

    how's that for an answer.

    It's righteous anger.

    The only emotion the Creator knows is Love. IT does not know anger. Anger is a human emotion. It is part of the body's chemistry. It is not part of Soul. Soul is a part of God, the Creator so it too can not know anger. That Christian was wrong.  God is love and that's it. 

    god does get angry if a person does some thing wrong but really god is really merciful and forgiving...


    God does not get angry, that is the interpretation of certain bible-bashers. They bring the creator who created everything, down to stupid man's level of thinking. Let's face it some of them are pretty stupid, always wanting to fight everyone in the name of religion. How many murders are in the bible in the name of God. I'm sure the Being must shudders when It hears the crap about Him/It.

    God can't love sin, so he gets angry when we sin......


    Booo!!! You're making God to be a man again.
    Headless Man

    No, man loves sin, God don't.

    Anger is a human emotion. It's carbon based and caused by chemicals in the body. Even man's love is different from God's. Our love is nothing to compare to the real love of God.
    Headless Man

    Because you say so........?

    Because it makes more sense than trying to turn a Creator that is nothing but positive energy into a manlike being with human emotions or an angry vengeful being. Science will also tell you that emotion is chemicals in the body. By the way, I'm not the only one who says so. There are millions of others like me who believe as I do.
    Headless Man

    Genesis 1:27
    So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

    Well said Randy. "the love of God".....If God cant have the same feelings as man ,eg anger then how could He have Love.

    OMG, you two are so wrong in the way you understand that verse. He made SOUL in his image because we are a part of him, the non body him. It was NOT the body and the emotions created from chemicals that IT made in IT's image. Emotions belong to the body, not Soul. Ugh. The Creator, being only pure energy, positive and filled with only love, is NOT capable of a human emotion. IT has no body or organic matter or chemicals that can go off balance like they do in humans.
    Headless Man

    Again I'll say, because you say so........?

    The Creator says so. Open your heart, mind and inner ears and listen. Oh and other Christians say so too. The ones not addicted to the kool-aid. You follow men, not God. Stop listening to the TV evangelists. The soap boxers, the grand standers, the money collectors.
    Headless Man

    I listen to no body (including you) I read and study.....

    God speaks to you on the inner. That was my point. Why don't you listen to God? You prefer words from men than messages from God who speaks to your Soul? inner ear meaning Souls awareness. Instead of automatically arguing just because it's me, try understanding what I'm saying. If God could speak to the people in the OT, why can't he speak now? He can, just on the inner. He has no voice to speak from the sky.
    Headless Man

    God speaks to me all the time, in prayer and in reading.

    Belief and denial; both makes perception. 

    Man is like God just in the fact that unlike the animal we can decided things for our selfves animals just do things by instinct or training. God is spirit form and has not the human feelling that we have developed though out our life This is only my personal opinion and may not be correct



    You're closer than some. "God has not the human feelings"

    You are absolutely correct. Anger is a human emotion. It's something God wants us to rise above. Why would he contain something he wants us to lose?

    that very positive remark colleen, and a wellcome one in such a mixed up world of confusion created by the one of evil

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