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14 Answers
The only one who can get you to heaven
12 years ago. Rating: 8 | |

More specifically, the Christian heaven. There's a heaven for everyone, for every belief or non belief. Each to their own kind.
our Lord and Savior sent here by God to save us from our sins. want to go to Heaven? then follow Jesus and dont listen to the garbage others spread around because they dont believe.
12 years ago. Rating: 7 | |

Who are you to judge what garbage is? Pretty close minded and bigoted of you to say such a thing about other's beliefs. I do not agree with your religion but I would never tell another to not listen to the message of your religion. Even Christianity has a place in this world among all other beliefs. God backs no religion.
heaven is for the angels like Jesus our savior i think ever lastting life will be on earth when it is returned to the garden of eden a new heaven & a new Earth
He was some hippie dude.
12 years ago. Rating: 4 | |

It's only blaspheme if it's about God, the creator. Jesus is not God the creator. He is son of God or son of man. He never claimed to be the creator.
jesus was here with God in the beginning. when they made man they said let US make man in OUR IMAGE.about being close minded, i think thats you. your the one who dont have the OPEN MIND TO ACCEPT JESUS.As far as others beliefs arent you and your non believers always knocking us aND OUR LORD AND SAVIOR. GOTTA SAY SOMETHING? LOOK IN THE MIRROR AND TALK AWAY.

I accept that he is YOUR savior. I do not accept when he is pushed on me to be my savior. I do not need one. I'm not a Christian in need of saving. I accept the Christian faith for the people who believe in it and DO NOT TELL anyone to not listen to it's messages or refer to said messages as garbage. You are the second Christian to blatantly call other beliefs garbage with Randy being the first to do so. Some of you followers of Jesus seem so bitter. No love lost in your words. Who exactly was with God and Jesus when they had this quaint little "we" discussion going on? I know Jesus didn't write it. I don't believe he ever said it! Blasphemy also includes making lies about the Creator. Someone in the bible is a blasphemer!
Who are you?
12 years ago. Rating: 4 | |

Why not? It's a valid question. Who in this world has never heard of Jesus Christ? So to ask, who Atai is, is a valid question. He just might be an alien :)
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