    Did Southern Express Company ever run trains to Homestead Florida?

             I came across an old photograph showing several men standing in front of a railroad station. The station is marked:  HOMESTEAD and underneith is a sign marked Southern Express Company. The only railroad companies that ran tracks to Homestead were Seaboard and Forida East Coast. Perhaps Southern Express ran passenger service inter-modal on the Seaboard freight tracks. Any information would be appreciated. 

    0  Views: 484 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    In regard to your question about the Southern Express Company sign below the depot name sign, very few railroads put their company name on their depot name signs, and rarely did so on the train bulletin signs (the signs on which train arrivals and departures were posted) as it was felt that it was not necessary to do so. However, the express companies (and, in many cases, when stations had telegraph services for the public available, the telegraph companies) were allowed to put their signs up to indicate that the public could utilize those companies services to ship parcels and packages or to send telegrams utilizing the company which served that railroad, hence the placement of the Southern Express Company sign below the depot name sign.

    (Southern Express Company was founded by Henry Flagler's friend, Henry Plant, at the beginning of the Civil War and served no few of the railroads of the American South.)

    The practice of showing the express company name was in general use throughout the United States and the numerous express companies were, following WW I, consolidated into American Railway Express, the name of which was later changed to Railway Express Agency.

    As far as the men shown standing at the depot in the photo which you sent to Ms. Rinaldi, you might want to check with our friend, Bob Jensen, at the Florida Pioneer Museum in Florida City. Bob is the pre-eminent Homestead historian and is director of that museum and may be able to tell you who the individuals pictured are.

    If there is anything else that we can help you with please do not hesitate to contact me directly, here in Miami.



    Seth H. Bramson, Company Historian

    Florida East Coast Railway

    (305) 757-1016

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