    describe one significant way the legislative branch influences fiscal policy

    0  Views: 3662 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    It's pretty obvious the party in control will have more influence on the fiscal policy.  There is one party who will pass bills that cost the taxpayers way more than the other party would endorse.  Take a look at some of the new tax laws that went into effect 1/1/14.

    Under the US Constitution, all spending Legislation originates in the House of Representative.  The legislation in the sent to the Senate for conformation.  

    When both Houses agree on the wording theLegislation is sent o the President for his signature. If the President does not sign, the Legislation it returns to the Congreess,  where it dies or the Presidents veto can be overturned by a 2/3 vote, upon which it become the law of the land.

    Currently and for the past THREE years, the US Congress is being deadlocked by the Democrat majority in the Sent by refusing to taking up any of the spending bills from House for a vote, because the do not want to reduce spending, even though the National Debt is increasing more than anytime in history..



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