    The scale on a map is 1:950 000. What is the area, in hectares of a Farm in square (side 8mm on the map)?

    0  Views: 1218 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    let me give a try:

    1 - If scale is 1:950 000 then it is 1 graphic mm to 950 000 real mm.

    2 - in proportion 8 graphic mm are 8*950 000 real mm which comes to 7 600 000 real mm

    3 - We know that 7 600 000 mm is equivalent to 7,6 kms and that it represents that each side of the square shaped farm is 7,6 kms long.

    4 - The area of a square is side*side, then we know that the area of the square farm is 7,6*7,6 kms which is 57,76 sq kms which is the same as 57 760 000 sq meters.

    5 - As we know 1ha is 10 000 sq meters (roughly a soccer pitch size - 100*100mts).  Now we divide 57 760 000 by 10 000 and we get our result of 5 776ha

    Hope that helps.

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