    Does reading the Bible help cure mental/emotional problems

    0  Views: 1079 Answers: 17 Posted: 12 years ago

    17 Answers

    It can bring you comfort if you are a Christian or looking for a faith that fits you, which it just might.


    Pagans can learn from the Bible also. There are many allegories that hold true, even in todays world. You don't need to be a Christian or a Jew to learn from the bible, just a person whom respects knowlegde, no matter where it is referenced from.

    I am a Buddhist and I have read the Bible. I understand and respect the path of Jesus. I also have no time for disrespect. I don't read the books of faith for the literal meaning... I read them for the spiiritual meaning.

    reading the bible can be a great comfort to many people and is a greater help to some than others. i always found it posed more problems than answers,its down to the reader to decide.

    Lets combine the two...find a Christian counseling center and tell them you are interested in  combining Biblical passages and counseling...and perhaps, speak to a Pastor about books and passages that may help and where to get more information on the meaning of them.


    Good answer, Doo.

    If you can follow it's directions, why not.....


    You may want to change that to positive siritual messages.... directions would make one a bit of a nut... I am just saying there was a lot of hell fire involed.

    For me! The Bible has all the answer too your problem, only thing is if you've already have a mental problem,then you might not be able to understand the Bible when you read it.So then my advice would be to see a therapist.


    Good point, especially when so many not crazy people have trouble understanding it.

    For some it has caused madness. Millions have been executed or led to their deaths because of some man's interpretations of what the bible states. 


    Your entiltle to your opinion Colleen. But I don't beleive a word of it,if someone executed or cause death, it because they were sick to begin with, and not because they read the Bible.

    Reading the bible and interpreting the message in their own way just added to their sickness. I never said the bible made a sane person mad. What do you think caused the Crusades or Jim Jones and Jonestown? What about Rev. Phelps of the Westboro Baptist church who follows the bibles hatred of Gays. He calls his web site God hates and pickets the funerals of dead soldiers claiming it's God retribution, all the while waving the bible. He's sane according to the courts. He just rationalizes his craziness by use of the scriptures. Believe it Facebook. For some, the bible can add to their mental distortions.

    Isn't what I said there were sick to begin with?

    Isn't what I said, "I never claimed the bible made them mad"? Please read again what I said exactly. Do not just scan my words. That is how even the bible gets misinterpreted. People scan reading and not absorbing all words. According to the law, Jim Jones was not mentally sick until he fed his followers poisoned kool-ade. Rev Phelps is still considered legally sane. He is not "sick to begin with". He honestly believes "God hates fags" (his words) because it says so in the bible.

    The Bible does not say to hate fag, guite the oppesite! your to love your fellow men and past no judghment on any one.

    The bible is interpreted to mean that God hates anything that is considered an abomination. Go argue it out with Phelps. I'm just sharing my opinion in what I see as damage the bible can cause when read by the wrong people. Unlike the path I follow, the Christian religion is not selective over who it shares it's book with. It should be more responsible.
    By the way, love the sinner, hate the sin does not cut it. People only focus on what the bible calls a sin. Some of the most one sided people you ever want to meet are found following the bible. Not to say all are like that.

    The Bible opened my eyes to a world of prejudice, demonic lore, magic, illusion, misunderstanding, hypocrisy, slavery, rigorous pointless traditions, bad sex, secrets within secrets within secrets and lies to innocence. I sought to understand it’s gibberish and found it to be cursed in meaning and interpretation. Gulliver’s Travels is a bit more revealing of human nature in its fantasy…and certainly a more interesting read. Reading many books, fiction and non-fiction, is a blessing for everyone who loves to read.  


    Bad sex??? LOL..guess I missed that part

    I chose to ignore the negative... Goodness knows I only have to phone my father the athiest for that... OK, you can laugh now!

    Cool answer!;-)

     BIBLE....Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth...reading it will help, living it will cure...



    I didn't see that any where but I hope it's gluten free.... I have issues!!! :D

    It works for many people all over the world, but a good therapist helps, too!

    Reading the bible can bring comfort but if you are looking for a cure, seek professional help.  The two combined can bring happiness to your life......

    Most churches have priests or pastors that are trained in caunceling.and they have also Bible Study. You might try that. It would be a good start.

    It helps the believers

    Yes. Ps 23.

    CURE is a really strong word in this question.  My opinion is the Bible can bring comfort and understanding in a lot of situations.  
    The extent of mental and emotional problems is widespread.  Some people can beat their way out of the bag with faith and some can't see the light of day with years of therapy.  An open mind and willingness are probably key in any kind of treatment.
    I just read a book recommended by jrharlan and it brought me out of my 9 month depression in one day.  The book made references to the Bible, but was not exclusive to it by any means. 

    This helps...""

    It can  also send you crazy like the bible-bashers.

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