    is eating ice harmful ?

    +1  Views: 925 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    11 Answers

    Usually it isn't, unless it is done to an extreme. You have to honestly ask yourself why the interest in eating ice? Once in awhile I might take a little left over crushed ice from a drink I had, as I like the cool feeling of it. But, I don't make a habit out of it. You have to ask yourself what the compulsion is to do this.


    When I was about in the 9th grade, I got a piece of ice stuck in my throat. I couldn't talk or breathe ! I was trying to tell my mom ! Fortunately, it melted so fast, it popped out. Then, I started crying real hard from the fright.

    Do you mean the drug ice? if you mean that, this what will happen to you eventually. Firstly, you will lose all of your teeth by the end of twelve months. Your skin will erupt and you will look like your grandma of eighty. Finally, you will die at the end of two years. If you smoke the stuff, you will damage your lungs, the acid will eat them.



    Whoa ... I didn’t know about that.

    Good input, Egg. Isn't ice > > > crack cocaine ?
    That's the way Meth addicts look too. It's even called " Meth mouth "

    Too much of anything is bad........

    It's not all that harmful to your insides, but ice chips teeth pretty effectively, and that can lead to vulnerable spots in the teeth over time.


    No it's just a bit difficult to pass when you need a pee.

    Can crack your teeth.

    Read here:


    When I was pregnant, I craved watermelon, popscycles, and ice from the freezer. 

    You may have a condition called 'pica', which sometimes affects pregnant women. I suggest you google for more info.

    dondowning knows of what he speaks.  I had all 32 of my teeth until a few years ago when I cracked one on a popcorn kernel and had to have it pulled.  It was a molar next to  a bottom wisdom tooth.  
    Oddly enough, an ice cube fit neatly into the space left, and I would set one there and close my jaw.  The cold ice would hit my top tooth.  Eventually, that tooth cracked from the cold. Fortunately, it didn't need to be pulled....just needed a $1,000 crown.  


    PKB, who would have thought that ice could do such damage ? That must have hurt !
    Root canals here cost $1000.

    hugely expensive. I had just planned to replace the 45 year old kitchen tile when that happened. Took every penny for the tooth.

    not if you don't eat too much. Too much of anything is harmful. And it should be clean ice.....just as you wouldn't drink dirty or questionable water.

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