    Did you hear about the strange floating object over a College Campus in California?

    +1  Views: 1420 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: ufo

    6 Answers

    I don't know about the central valley CA but where I am there's about 7 airports withing 60 mile cirlce, several of them are international, aircraft fly overhead constantly day and night at very low altitude with landing lights on, during the evening, we have a noise ordnance so when they take off at full throttle, they must back off to about 35% and sneak away as quietly as possible, also, landing aircraft on approach are very low, 3000 feet and lower, they are whisper quiet. If a UFO passed through here, we would never know it because they all look like UFO's sneaking around up there. Especially during light overcast and seeing the landing light beams cutting through.. It's quite scary for first timers out here. also, scary if you are landing and departing..  On takeoff, full power then all of a sudden, the engines go quiet and you're coasting.. you feel like you're gunna fall out of the sky. Worse when they bank..  


    LA area or SF area? Wait, you told us once...I remember now.

    @don-- Vette is fine, sitting in the garage covered, haven't even started it in several months. I think now that you mention it, I might pull it out today and drive it to work. about 65 miles round trip. Weather is perfect today here n the SF-bay area. Thanks for reminding me that I have one of those thingies.. LOL

    ive never been in a plane. im scared of that. better get me a few drinks first.

    Carmaxable-- Flying is the safest means of transportation.. I have no problem getting into the silver tube and being transported at 550 MPH to my destination.. LOL.

    LOL!!!  Dude, in my day that just meant someone tried a new extra-curricular form of partying!!!!  LOL.  You'd be amazed by what you "see" with that stuff.


    This is Officer G.T. Grip Badge # 37551
    Due to legal issues I have instructed Doolittle to refrain from answering don's question. Let's just leave it at "that stuff" allows you to take a little trip while staying right at home.

    Remember Big Brother is Watching! Be Careful Out there!

    #37551- Peace Out

    Not only did I hear about it, I got a video of it too :) 



    Hmmmm..didn't work. I'll try again- Oh, and I've learned to count to 9 letters now!


    College campus, California say no more perhaps it was a cloud of smoke from you know what..


    Stanford and UCSF and Berkley students just sit around for days in a hazy daze and graduate and make lots and lots of money. It’s true.

    Was it Berkely?


    Berserkly ... probably.

    LOL !! :)

    LOL !! :)

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