    I have lived in these towns. Where have YOU lived?

    All in California: Nevada City, San Francisco, Stockton, Hayward, Salinas, Pacific Grove, Marina, Los Osos, Moro Bay, Fresno (Ugh)

    I think it's 38 houses. I'm too sleepy to count them. 

    +13  Views: 1484 Answers: 19 Posted: 12 years ago

    It has more cars stolen than any town in the US. It also has the worst air. Asthma is very common here also other lung problems.
    Maybe Bob/PKB will tell us more. I haven't been reading the news.

    All I would add to itsmee is that Fresno really has nothing attractive or interesting to encourage visitors. It's a small town that thinks it's special. My mom's always said it's the best place to live because it's close to SF, LA, Yosemite, the coast...pfft: It's 2 hours to Yosemite, an hour to Sequoias, 3 to SF, LA, or the coast. Middle of NOWHERE. My sister DOES have one of the top 10 Halloween attractions in the country here, however, so for 6 weeks every year......

    19 Answers

    Lived around the same town (Colchester) all my life , only two homes, oh dear that sounds a bit boring after reading all the other answers.


    Content and happy isn't boring.

    Yes you are right there Bob, I am content with what I have.

    It sounds GREAT. We are newcomers to a violent city. We moved here for family and it's worth it. But I cannot say how much I envy the peace and security you must feel.

    Great Sutton, Edmonton (8 homes), Winnipeg (Two homes), Duncan, South Surrey, Abbotsford (Three homes).

    I really don't like moving as so I say as I always say, "I am not moving again.  They can take me out of this house in a body bag."  


    That's what I say, Fishlet!

    Tyler, Longview, Austin, Dallas, Kerrville and back to Austin when I was 6 and been here every since....

    Bohemia, Germany- two different places. PA. US, CT., and NH.

    Ireland, England, Montreal,Que and numerous places in Ontario.

    I don't know about Romania but I do know those Southern CA towns are beautiful and the homes are expensive!

    Manzar, Albesti-Muru, Ploesti, Brasov, Bucuresti, Iasi in Romania before 1978 ; Culver City, Santa Monica, Tustin, Irvine, Chula Vista all in CA USA since 1978.

    I live now in my hometown of Kirkcaldy in Scotland, I've lived for a time in Portsmouth UK, London UK, Hong Kong China, and Pasir Ris New Town in Singapore, I always seem to come back to my roots.


    "WHY. To Follow Follow.

    My specialty in Eureka was finding things! :D

    You have quite a nomadic life.  Now I am afraid to go and visit you, itsmee.  You could all of a sudden move, again.



    You can visit me if itsmee has moved. I'm in Fresno (ugh), too.

    OK, it's a deal. Heck with the nomad! :)



    Selma,  Reedley,  Arcata,   McKinleyville,  Eureka,  Fowler,  and Fresno (ugh).....   all of these are in California.  


    You lived in "A town called Eureka"?
    What was YOUR speciality?

    South Boston Mass..But the places i've been and the people i've  met is priceless..

    Helsinki 2 places,Kauniainen 2 places Espoo 2 places

    Lahti, Porvoo and Helsinki in Finland. Endless oceans and numerous harbours when active in merchant navy. Antwerpen in Belgium and finally Stockholm in Sweden.


    welcome to akaQA

    <comment moved to where it belongs>

    Karma: 210

    Thanks sweetey, I'm sailing in.

    Numerous places in Asia. Now I live in Australia by the beach.

    Greenock Glasgow ayrshire Clydebank Liverpool London Spain.Then back to Greenock. Home sweet Home .


    Always Follow Follow ma man.
    Blue skies might be shining!!!!

    "HEY pal .Thats a "Song" Blue skies .The older ones will know it like .Sorry I cant say I will get done for "ABUSE"

    North-central Pennsylvania until 1992. Upstate central New York since, with a vacation home in the Philippines.

    LONDON UK no need to live anywhere else


    welcome to akaQA

    Ireland, place of my birth, different parts UK, Romania, Morocco, Turkey,  Tunisia, now back home. Im not packing and moving any more, got to old.


    When, where and what did you do in Romania? I was born in a place that belonged to Romania and lived in Romania till 1978...

    I lived in Timisoara in 1995, till early 1996 in all about one year. Of course I had to leave about every three months, and return. I had boy friend there, but no more. Visited many places, Bucharest, with beautiful park. Draculas Castle, Bears Cave, sad story, etc

    I've spent a long time on the Island now (Vancouver) and "lived" on the road throughout Western Canada and the Northwest Territories!!!Born in Saskatchewan.


    are you a bohemian?

    Perhaps...was a road yes a bohemian! :D

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