“Love thy neighbor” is preached from many a pulpit. But new research from the University of California, Berkeley, suggests that the highly religious are less motivated by compassion when helping a stranger than are atheists, agnostics and less religious people."
29 Answers
My neighbor is a d*ckhead. He is the most nosy person I have ever known. He gets into everybody's business and reports everything to the authorities.
Love thy neighbor? Fat chance.
12 years ago. Rating: 25 | |
I dont think that is true at all. When I lived in PA. in a very small, very religious town, everyone helped each other out and it was not uncommen for total strangers to stop at my house when I first moved there and introduce themselves and and ask if I needed anything and to give them a call if I did. It was so amazing to me how kind these people were.We then moved to another much less religious state and it was like living in the twilight zone.No one got along with each other, at least not on the street I lived on. I moved out of that state and here in NH. people will help each other and I help anyone that I can. I think its where you live, makes a big difference. and has nothing to do with beeing religious or not.
12 years ago. Rating: 23 | |

Oh those "religious people"!! They are less compassionate OR they give quietly and secretly so as to not be front and center with their kindnesses to others. Is that possible?
12 years ago. Rating: 21 | |
We have recently fallen out with a neighbour after 25 years, so now no I don't love all of my neighbours.
12 years ago. Rating: 17 | |
One way to tell if a town has a lot of caring neighbors, is to look at how many volenteer fire companies they have that are maned by all volenteer firemen..
Someone already mentioned small town in Pennsylvania. One of my grand children lives in a town named Tamaqua, about 100 miles north of Philadelphia, with a population of of only 7,000, that has four volenteer fire companies, each has at least TWO pieces of million dollar fire apparatus and an operation truck.
There is a separate volenteer Ambulance Corp, with four Ambulances as well as a volenteer Rescue Squad with two equipment trucks.none of whom are paid.
Here in Dover Delaware we have TWO fire companies, maned by both paid and Volenteers with a population of around 37,000.
12 years ago. Rating: 15 | |
I think a person's capacity for love or compassion is more based upon the individual than whether or not they attend a certain church. There are those people who attend church more to appease their neighbors than any God they might have looking down upon them.
Look at the BTK killer...he had a perfect attendance record in going to church, while he tied, tortured and killed people!
If things are not good within a person...I highly doubt anything like going to church is going to change someone. I'm not saying people can't change, but it has to be something that comes from within them first...and it is not predicate upon attending church.
No one has to go to church to believe in isn't the threshhold of belief, but more a door or an opportunity for some to learn. But never the benchmark.
12 years ago. Rating: 14 | |
I don’t help folk to cross a street who don’t want to go to the other side. I don’t rescue apparently abandoned fawns whose mother is not around. I don’t save folks who pretend to be in trouble and I know pretense when I see it. I will not be lead by lies nor do I use lies to lead others. A person who secretly plans their own demise or that of others deserves to grieve or suffer.
12 years ago. Rating: 13 | |
Everyone here (in the small town I live) helps each other, we raise money if someone is ill and in need, or when someone is elderly and need mobility, we shop for each other often, share our garden produce and enjoy meals and drinks at the pub.......could do without the 4 noisy kids next door though
12 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
NO NO NO NO NO! ! !....some of them a V definite YES TO!!!:-)..but on the gardens I live on...many are petty and vindictive! I try to be polite to them all but they hang out looking for trouble!:-¬...Of course I`D TRY and help any one of them ill or in trouble...but that`d be about it!!! :-¬
12 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
My neighbours are elderley & when they first moved here thay had limited English skills.Over the past 20 years they have required a considerable amount of help.I have never refused.I have mown their front lawn for the past 20 years,I have repaired their car,replaced fuses in the middle of the night,helped paint their house etc etc etc.I don't require praise for helping or any other reward or recognition.I simply want to point out that I am an atheist you don't have to go to any church to be a good neighbour.
12 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
Sounds easy right?? Yeh, I've got a knack for making things sound real easy...LOL! Come on by...waiting...this island is not drifting anywhere too soon!! ;)