    How do you solve a problem with a bank-teller that gives you wrong info and causes you to lose thousands

     Before withdrawing money out of the bank I asked the teller what my balance was, she told me 1000.00, then I asked her why wasn't 800.00 transferred, the teller stated your account is not set up for transfers, and their were none pending, I asked why what happen, the teller told, she did not know what happen, it just wasn't never done. So I withdrew 800.00, the next day I was negative 1200.00, because of a transfer that went through, in most cases if there is nothing to transfer nothing transfer, however the next month the bank takes 1200.00+ dollars from me which is so unfair, so I wish someone can help me recover my funds, the supervisors, and managers were not helpful in helping me.

    0  Views: 292 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    If she gave you a verbal balance your probably @#$%^& ! otherwise go above her head and talk to the bank president..good luck

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