    i want to now if i will live with a priest

    0  Views: 683 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    In the eyes of the Church NO. also he is your "FATHER !!

    If you are female and the priest is Catholic, the answer is officially -no, but many Catholic priests live with and have sexual relations with women, though this is not  sanctioned by the Church. If you are male, much the same applies.

    You could be his house keeper...I think you can rule out any more!!...(i`ve just spent 9 very long days and nights nursing one 24/7..a lovely man ...but living with him would not be my idea of a pic nic in the park!!:-¬...very hard work and the pace is SO slow!...I actually missed the mayhem and noise of my lot...and I never thought I`D say that!!..:-0

    millie111 be working now!:-(

    "WOW MILLIE . 24/7. very long shift indeed.Makes you one great person caring I would say a "HEART OF GOLD",now you are entitled to put your "Feet up bless you "GIRL xxx

    Dowse...O.K...I lied...he wasn`t a lovely man!..He was a complete nightmare!;-(...I had a bedroom one flight down from his..and he1d had a minor hernia op...but in the night I couldn`t/didn`t even try to sleep cos he`d scream out as if in pain ..I`d leg it up the stairs..and all the noise was to get my attention..he`d do it to get me to make him a cup of tea!!:( left there a complete wreck!LOL!;-)..Never to return!!!


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