    Is there a Florida Statue governing a dieabetic speeding to the hospital

    I was stopped for speeding on my way to the hospital. I told the officer I was having dieabetic reactions and was going to the hospital. He asked If I needed an ambulance and I said no. So he asked for my license and reg and insurance and went back to his vehicle ignoring what I had told him about getting to the hospital and why. I had suffered a cuncusion a few days previous and was afraid these reaction of my dieabetes was something serious.

    0  Views: 803 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    A reaction and driving are not a good mix. Shoot, standing still while having a reaction isn't good news. I don't blame the cop. Careful, before they make it illegal for diabetics to drive.......

    No, laws aren't that specific. 

    I am a diabetic and have no serious problems because I control it with medication and proper diet.  Clearly you don't understand how it works.  I would suggest you read about it or go to one of the classes offered by most hospitals.  There is rarely a reason for us to rush to the hospital, and certainly not driving ourselves.  Many people live with diabetes with minimal problems. 

    If you were seriously concerned about your concussion, you should have taken the officer up on the ambulance offer.  Otherwise, he was just doing his job.   People lie to cops all the time.    

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