    does the penis have to be inserted fully erect in order to get a woman pregnant?

    +2  Views: 1437 Answers: 13 Posted: 12 years ago

    13 Answers


    No, he just has to ejaculate near the vaginal opening. Sperm swim. Use protection if you do not want to get pregnant. babyyyggggiii is a little girl's name. Does your mother know you are calling yourself a woman and having sex with young boys?  If you get pregnant, please do not make the welfare office your first stop. 

    No. In some case, the girl doesn't have to be undressed! Sperm can swim like nobody's business...!

    NO, it can actually happen with what is called PRE-cum.

    Your sex questions are getting boring! see you later Floz

    Oh no, are you in trouble?


    No.  That is just the most pleasant way, in my opinion.


    no this still can get a felmale pregnant!

    It is not how long, wide, or erect it is- if any fluid (sprem) came out near or in your vagina you have a chance of getting pregnant..this includes the tiny amount of fluid that comes out before a full ejaculation!!!!  Please go to the library and check out Our Bodies Ourselves, or buy it as I suggested before.  P.S sprem should be sperm....donkeys call it sprem..sometimes I intermix languages- My apologies-LOL

    NO .But "Sneezing at a woman`s "private parts Could !! ask Mummy

    No impregnation without penetration! LOL

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