    Do u think UN is really effective?

    0  Views: 995 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    It probably depends on how you look at it. Their role isn't always the easiest to fulfill at times, but probably better with them, than without them.

    Ask them after they have taken over the world.

    They're all crooks out for themselves.

    This organization is not what their founders had in mind.

    Absolutely.  Let's look at what the UN does.  It is an organization comprised representatives from most of the countries in the world.

    1.  It runs the World Health Organization (WHO), which provides health care and vaccines to poor countries throughout the world. 

    2.  It provides "peacekeeping forces" in hot military zones, usually in the midst of a civil war or potential one. 

    3.  The UN Security Council is comprised of the world's military superpowers.  They meet to address and resolve conflicts through diplomacy, sanctions and if necessary, military intervention.  Many wars have been averted over the years due to agreements made within the UN Security Council.  It's an effective organization that strives to protect worldwide interests.  Without it there would be much more chaos and conflict than there already is. 

    4.  The World Court enforces violations of international law.

    The UN has 4 main purposes, according to the site:

    1.  To keep peace throughout the world;

    2.  To develop friendly relations among nations;

    3.  To help nations work together to improve the lives of poor people, to conquer hunger, disease and illiteracy, and to encourage respect for each other’s rights and freedoms;

    4.  To be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations to achieve these

    It has come in handy at times...........

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