    If the social security trust fund runs out of money in 2033 as projected, are you prepared to retire without it?

    If not, what should be done to fix the fund?

    +4  Views: 574 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    I have never planned my retirement around Social Security. I am often foolish, but I'm not stupid. 


    Social Security was NOT meant to be a retirement income. It was meant to SUPPLEMENT your retirement from your other job. Unfortunately, the union busters got approval from the court to cut everyone from a retirement income. An example is UNITED AIRLINES. My niece lost 20 years of her retirement. Can you top that?

    Not at the moment...In 20 years a lot can happen good and bad!

    Yes, I'd be dead by then or become so senile it's not quite relevant.

    The fund won't run out.  Eventually, some members of Congress will raise the maximum gross income figures so millionaires will pay more along with those making over $100,000 which has a cap at this moment.


    Do you really think so? Obama's not having much success. I think you may have too much faith in Congreess to actually do the right thing.

    Over the years, each administration has dipped into the Social Security Trust Fund and replaced theire loans with bonds.Our government can no longer cash those bonds without borrowing money to do so. In other words, they used money that people paid into the Social Security system and added it to theire general funds . I dont know  how it can be fixed,

    No, I won't be ready. If I'm still alive, I'll be "flying a sign"............

    no pocket money when I will not need it anyways...

    YES, the worlds full of BANKS!!!

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