    is it possible to have a baby after a tubelectomy?

    0  Views: 1069 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    Yes.The operation can be reversed.A woman who lives on the Gold Coast (Australia) just had a baby at the age of 48 after having the operation reversed.

    This is a tricky question.  Tubals are done different ways.  If they put clips on the tubes is is usually reversible.  If they cut and tied the tubes or cut and cauterized them they may be able to reattach the tubes if there is enough of the tubes left.  Sometimes, when you are unable to become pregnant in vitro fertilization is suggested.  Assuming that your eggs still develop normally and your uterus still functions properly (you are still young and had no problems getting and staying pregnant in the past) in vitro will work fine.  Go to your OBGYN and ask about reversing your tubal ligation.

    On the other hand if you are asking if, after having a tubal you can still get pregnant- it is possible if the tubal wasn't complete (you have clips but there is still a bit of space between the clip(s) for an egg to pass through.  It is rare but it does happen.  So, if you had a tubal but suspect you are pregnant see your OBGYN.

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