    How is the electricity in the human body generated, & where is it stored?

    0  Views: 898 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    One learns in physics, 101 that everything is made up of atoms, atoms are made up of protons, neutrons and electrons. Protons have a positive charge, neutrons have a neutral charge, and electrons have a negative charge.

    When these charges are out of balance, an atom becomes either positively or negatively charged. The switch between one type of charge and the other allows electrons to flow from one atom to another.

    This flow of electrons, or a negative charge, is what we call electricity. Since our bodies are huge masses of atoms, we can generate electricity. A resting male can put out between 100 and 120 watts of energy, in theory enough to power many of the electronics you use, such as your Nintendo Wii (14 watts), your cellphone (about 1 watt) and your laptop (45 watts). Eighty percent of body power is given off as excess heat.



    Great answer WBMG.

    In the hair.......


    Clericus reformatus, 

    Only use thumbs down for bad language or abusive remarks. Not just because you disagree with a remark.

    My hair remark was for fun, we try to have fun here too........


    This above statement is backed up by a moderator. Please do not do it again Clericus. Thank you.

    So Headless Man if we can't use thumbs down to disagree, as not liking is disagreement of sorts, then I guess that must mean we can't use thumbs up, either, as that suggests agreement or liking. Not much use or point for the thumbs up then really is there!
    For the record I like to have fun also, and thumbs up or down is used to signal fun agreement and no fun disagreement in many areas of real life.

    @ TackaTicka. Using the Thumbs down just to have fun is against forum rules. As a moderator I am here telling you not to abuse the thumbs down feature or you will be removed from the forum. The thumbs down is reserved only for abusive comments, sexist comments, sexual comments, racist remarks or anything that is hurtful or threatening. That's it. If you disagree with another's comment, just say so and discuss the issue. Everyone here is free to express their opinion even if another disagrees with it. They are not to be punished by receiving a thumbs down just because another person does not agree with their opinion.

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