
    +2  Views: 610 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    This is a Very Bad Idea!!!!!!!!!!  Doolittle would Cry for the rest of Doos life...All of the fish and sea mammals that live in the salt water would die!!!!!!!!!!!  And all of the sea weed, seagrasses, coral- dead.....................It is an unbearable thought!!!!

    A lot and a lot of wildlife would die including various fish and mammals.....

    Fish wouldn`t  Taste the same .Plaktum other plants Seaweed would all Die.

    Not only would that effect every single living creature in the oceans it would also effect tributaries leading to the ocean where brackish water enviromnments reside... those creatures would either learn to adapt or die off as well.  It would effect all coastal areas and fishing for that matter.  There would be no fish to fish for.  Fishing communities would become Ghost Towns.

    With all of the dying creatures and plant life dying off the ph of the ocean would fall dramatically... the amonia levels would be sky high because of the rotting and the oceans and seas would be filled with fungus.  There would not be enough filtration from the tides to take care of the waste.  The entire planet would smell very very bad.

    The fumes from the dying plants, mamals and fish might reach levels that are unsafe to breathe in and so the Gas Mask makers would enjoy an upswing in sales.

    Birds that depend on fish to eat would die off as they will have lost their food source.

    The aquarium keeping industry would suffer greatly with having fewer fish to sell... not every one wants to keep Neons or African Cichlids.

    Smaller Islands would have to evacuate and human beings would be forced to move inland to higher better smelling ground.  This would put a strain on the boating industry.  Not so much water to put that boat in... Marinas would become a thing of the past. 

    Freight would no longer be carried over the ocean and so countries would have to become self sufficient.  There would be a lot less trade.

    There would be a lot less of everything.  I think things would turn very ugly if this came to pass.

    Good question Jippo ... now I think I may have helped you answer a homework question!


    I suppose you'd corner the market on seasalt and fish fertilizer...for a while...and you'd have to hide from Doolittle for the rest of your natural life and perhaps beyond...DON"T DO IT!!!!!!!


    let doo cry ,save my boat!

    you would have the worlds biggest lake.. seven of them..!!

    looking on the bright side it would end all these drought `s we have in the u.k and all the metal on my boat would`nt corrode.

    We would have plenty of fresh drinking water.

    ......................eggs wouldn't float!

    Everywhere would be like Torrevieja.

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