    Did you hear about the mysterious, persistent booms over the UK and the US?

    A sock shaped UFO was seen in the sky at the same time as the booms and it was surrounded by fighter jets. I know who would win in a battle...

    “It sounded as if a large, metal railroad car slammed at full speed into a stone wall.”

    +1  Views: 1178 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: ufo

    I heard on Coast to Coast am radio show last night, that it was a meteorite.

    1 Answer

    There are so many  " booms " around here anyway, that another one wouldn't be recognizable. There's always noise here from the frieight trains doing their switching, or the jet planes going low over my house. I live 5 miles from a major airport. The med- flight helicopter goes over a few times a day from U of M hosp to the local 5 story hospital. I have noise , smoke , polution from the Ford plant about 1/2 a mile away . We have large, diesel trucks going up and down the busy road in back of my street. One night, about 5 years ago, I heard a BOOM about 10pm at night. I thought it was just the noisey neighbors throwing around firecrackers. It turned out to be a real explosion of a factory on a road about  4 mile south of me.  Two years ago, a family owned furniture store in my town had a gas explosion ! That was LOUD. Two of the 3 people in there were killed. They had just come to work at 9am. The owner was buried under the rubble and was burned,but he was transported to U of M hosp on the med- flight helicopter. He recovered. Several stores nearby that store were put out of business.

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