    how to do a 60 seconds comercial for dental assistant

    como acer 60 segundos de entrevista sobre mi carrera de assistente dental


    0  Views: 483 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    Follow Russrocks advice and you could maybe say..........Have you always been too self conscious to smile and would love white shiny teeth just like the celebrities ?Well Doctor ? has an amazing product that has been scientifically researched and will give you the smile you deserve, this breakthrough product enhances your teeth immediately.If you are not happy with the result you get a full money back guarantee.So what are you waiting for ?Book an appointment today, you will be pleasantly surprised.

    I assume this is for a job. 

    1.  Think about what you want to sell:  yourself.  What makes you a good candidate for the job?  What skills, training, experience do you bring?  How are your customer (patient) service skills.

    2.  Write a script. Then study, edit and revise it. Learn it so you don't have to read it.  Keep it to a minute. 

    3.  Record yourself.  Speak clearly into the camera.  Smile when appropriate.  Don't look away much.  Be sincere. 

    4.  View your recording and critique it.  Re-record a few times until you get it right.    

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