    Who said,"Sometimes we have to overule the will of the people in order to do what we know to be right."

    I heard a congressman or maybe a congressmans aid say this in an interview several months ago when asked why republicans so staunchly defend the rich when it comes to paying there fair share in taxes,when the majority of Americans(including other conservitives)are in favor of higher taxes on higher incomes. I was so taken back by this that i didn't believe my ears. Can someone please set me straight if i misheard?

    0  Views: 1966 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: political

    1 Answer

    I'm sure you heard it. This is the socialist system the US government has been heading for. These are the leaders we've voted in. We have people who can not read or write out there voting. We have people who pick by popularity or looks or how eloquent someone speaks. We have people who have no clue about the person they elect into office. Do you know how many rights the American people have lost under Obama's "leadership"? 

    Wake up America. Educate yourselves. 


    I agree.

    yes me too!!

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