    If you can remove one day from your life as if it didnt exist .. which day will you choose and why?!!

    +6  Views: 1677 Answers: 18 Posted: 12 years ago

    Shadow girl; I have read your comment to Jack Large about taking back the day you were born. I have been there. I can tell you that if you take a look at what is going on in your life and treat each difficult thing as a lesson to learn... then choose to learn those lessons no matter how difficult it may be, you won't feel like this forever.
    A day will come when you say to yourself, "Wow, I did it and I feel fantastic."
    You just have to do the work.
    Best wishes, Fishie
    shadow girl

    yes you are absolutely right,got to take the road and complete it to the end.. thanks for your comment and advices :)

    18 Answers

    The day my sister died. 

    Well, both of them died but one died in infancy because she had a medical condition.  My second sister, the one I really knew.  My best friend.


    I don't know how you got through it. It so alter's your life to lose a sister and best friend!!

    The day CPS visited my house. Knowing what I know now, things would have turned out differently.......


    I find it painful learning about the way things work after the fact. You did what could under the circumstances- Im sorry it din't turn out well.

    Thank you.........

    Adversity is a cruel task master JH...know that had you none,we all would likely not know,love and appreciate your depth of character nor beauty of soul...time and circumstance will have their way with us dear Rhiannon sings.."don't let the bastards bring ya down!"Peace.Peace.Peace.

    Peace will be a long time coming over this if ever......
    But thank you..........


    How old were you?

    40 something......

    Lemme see...nope...not even the most hurtingest days can I discount without changing the whole of my very unique history...which I love every stinking or beautiful moment of...'sall part of the bigger picture.    

    This beautiful art-piece entitled..Tapestry of Life...



    Love your answer, and the tapestry of life!

    re a comment you made- This is the world of insanity!!! Humans are supposed to be the stewards of animals and the environment- Brother have we messed up!!!

    you are a true optimist, I really admire that

    The day my best friend died.

    country bumpkin

    My best friend died in 2004. I miss her every day.

    It's been 3 1/2 years for me. Same here, CB.

    ;(...I'm sorry.

    Mine as well. Dardaigh. Danny was his name .Born in the same day he was very ill one day age fourteen years.the day he "Died I was lost.Still think of him.

    Thank you, Doo.

    I know Dowsa, it's tough to lose someone you've known for well over 40 years.

    I have the same answer, Dardaigh.

    December 8th 2010 ..THE DAY MY LOVELY DAD died very suddenly! :-((..(That was the worse day of my life)!!


    me too baby me too....:(

    Same here. The worst day of my life.

    I would take  away the day   my  little brothers' spirit was broken.  I want him to know that to be loved and to love is a beautiful gift.  May you find it in your heart to love some day little brother.


    Lovely song, thanks. Im so sorry about your brother's broken spirit. It sounds like he was vulnerable and emotional which is a bad combination when someone close to you "breaks" you. Sometimes it is so traumatizing it is all you remember about the dance. I hope his heart-broken spirit heals!!!! Keep loving him through thick and thin!!!!

    (( My thoughts and prayers are with you country bumpk)

    An empty heart is a horrible curse. People have no idea how much their actions affect others. I hope LB can experience love one day, too. For a mother to destroy her own child is unforgivable.

    There are many days I wish I could take back, some very sad, the murder of my one and only friend, a true friend I would have trusted with my life, we laughed, we cried and we spent many happy times, we shared everything, our inner most thoughts, I left her place early though she had asked I stay for dinner, she was stabbed to death in front of her four young sons only a few hours later, I identified her body, still in her backyard, that was more than 10 years ago, I still think of her often and can never get that image out of my head, maybe things would have been different if I hadn't left to go home


    Wow, how powerful.........

    Oh lamb- how horrible and heartbreaking. I don't know why such bad things happen to people. I'm so sorry for your loss!!!

    We all think our stuff is so insurmountable; we just never think of the horrors others have had to endure. Unthinkable, lambie; those little boys.....her best friend.....unthinkable. :(

    thank you all for your kind thoughts, we are all relatively blessed when we see the torment and suffering of others around us, I often wonder about her sons, they went to live with her ex husband in a country town called Menindee

    lambshank, How so very sad, think you will always ask the same question of yourself,maybe things would have been different if, Just pray for her soul, may she RIP.

    lambshank -- I'm stunned. Who? Why? So sorry.

    Im adult now, but I cant forget in my minds eye, when I was 4 yrs old, one night the Dr came, and took my five week old sister  Iris in his arms, she was ill. I never saw her again. RIP

    country bumpkin


    Thank you country bumpkin, much needed. x

    How sad and scary for Little you to have gone through this!! Little Iris will meet you when you leave this earth!!!

    "SO "SO Sad Dollybird. You must wonder how she would look now. Iris a lovely name bless you "Girl

    (((((((((((Dolly))))))))))) RIP

    :( So very sad to hear this. Hugs from me, too.

    Thank you everyone, for the kind thoughts. xx xx

    February 22, 2003  The WHY is personal. 


    That's my birthday!
    Hope it wasn't too bad?

    Let's just say it was the lowest point of my life, and I've had some low points. My life today, and likely those of my sons, would be much different if not for my behavior and the consequences of that day.
    P.S. Now I will have a good thing to think about on 2/22, it being your birthday. :)

    Bob I'm sorry.

    Only one day???? Give me a few years and then I'll be able to answer!!!


    thanks, too, more than anything.

    I would not give up one second of all my life times because I would not be the person I am today without every moment, no matter how difficult it was. I survived and lost nothing of eternal value in my pilgrimage in time and eternity. 

    lindilou three robertgrist...I second that emotion!

    The day I DIE.



    LOL! How many people will give this answer, Jack? :)
    Jack Large

    Ah, if we only had that power, at least to give us enough time to make thing right, that were still wrong.
    shadow girl

    lol jack... i'd choose the day i was born :P
    Jack Large

    NOT me, I have produce a lot of great offspring.

    I even believe one of my grand-daughters will President some day.

    If I'm still around Jack, I will certainly vote for her if she shows the common sense that most of your answers here contain.
    Jack Large

    We will both be gone, she is only 10 but she has a IQ is 160, same as Einstein

    I remember one time when she was FIVE and staying overnight with us. She was watching TV when I asked her what she wanted for breakfast eggs or cereal.

    She did no reply and I assumed she was enamored with what was on TV. I asked again a little louder. She said "Pop Pop I'm contemplating."


    Lord OH lord...what a cheery bunch we are!!;-¬

    9/11/2011...I wish I never saw such a violation and disemation of humanity.

    Jack Large

    How quickly we forget. The really sad part is what the Democrats did to Bush, afterward.

    When he stood on the pile left by the Radical Islamic Terrorists he promised to "Find those who attacked us and all of those who harbor or support them, and bring them to justice."

    His approval rating soured to over 90%. Democrats decided that the only way to win in the next election the following year, was to attach him personally

    Thereafter he did exactly what he said he would, until he left office.

    While in the process of publicly trying to make him look like a Buffoon, they CONTINUED quietly, in the Congreess, to support EVERYTHING he asked for in the war on the Radial Islamic Terrorist, including Gitmo, Afghanistan and Irag.

    It isnt posssible for an upstanding individual to be labeled a fool, and have the label stand the test of time. Fools, on the other hand, will readily expose themselves without anyones' assistance.

    Do you possibly mean 2001?

    Yes, thank you Flip. tried unsuccessfully to change that...expected Colleens helping hand before now. Peace :)

    Just click on "edit this answer" and you can put the cursor on the 2011 and just type in 2001. I edit all the time. :D

    THE DAY . When  Mankind  was  let  loose on  this "  Beautiful "Planet. to plunder kill "Rape "Nothing to stop them Doing what they wanted."Rewind time to peaceful beginning.No "Wars NO "Evil.Just respecting LIFE. Come to think of it there was no "Peaceful "Time. ? 


    The day Craig Whyte took over our beloved GERS!
    Follow Follow.

    "HEY PAL was just thinking of that "Bum when writing this .Follow Follow .

    Welcome to the University of other place like it in all creation!!!!Peace...oy vay

    "HEY.lindilou That means WE are "Somebody's You know "Insane ! That`s better than being "Crazy Right "Is that right ROMOS ? You You think "So."HUH !!

    The day I found out what alcohol was all about, I just can't believe just how many lives it really destroys, I know i can't stop the world from spinning but i could at least have avoided lot's of trouble in my life..

    ....losing my mom.

    the day our mother dropped us off at a picture show,then returned 5 years later,,it made strangers of a family,it would have been better if she never came back..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    That day when she came to visit and gave me such a bad time I lost all confidence in myself and quit my job which was just about to be a big deal. I was so hurt.  She kinda wrecked me temporarily..  I wasn't all that young either. I should have been able to deal with her meaness. (A relative, of course)

    I would get rid of that day.

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