    I can't see you.........


    I think there are people that don't know how to add a photo to akaqa if you want to please try, you can't hurt anything.

    Click on the little tree in the new answer window then on upload image then choose file, search for the photo you want on your computer. Then click upload, if it don't work the photo is probably to large or wrong format. You can crop and change the size or format with the right software, GIMP is a free download that will do about anything you want (my headless photo is a good example) and .jpg or jpeg is the best format.

    Good luck.

    +11  Views: 3563 Answers: 22 Posted: 12 years ago

    This "tree thing", doesn't work for me. I use "copy" (twice) and then paste. Don't know why but that's how I get it to work.
    Headless Man

    Good, there are other ways but this should work for most......

    I have spent an hour just trying to figure this out. I need to get on with my day. Have a good one Randy and thanks for trying.
    Headless Man

    Keep playing with GIMP it is hard but worth the time you can scan in those old photos with an old boyfriend in it and wipe him out then save the photo what

    well, I've tried everything, been places on this thing I didn't know were here, you'll just have to accept me when I tell you without a pic, I'm absolutely ravishing...or is that ravished

    22 Answers

    I think this thread is a great idea , HM, as I'm sure many may not yet know how to upload an image.


    Oi, Ducky...get offa me!


    But I love you and I'm just giving you hugs! :) Please don't make me leave.
    Headless Man

    Cool photo....

    Oh,me too! :)

    (p.s. I know it's not a ducky but I couldn't resist!lol)

    Thanks, HM! :)

    Thanks for commenting my answer Dardaigh,I have just spent another half hour trying still no luck, I will keep on , thanks again.

    oo I detect a little bit of lost patients, in your last comment to me Dardaigh, lol

    WAY TOO CUTE!!!:-))

    Thanks, Millie! :)


    See I am!     LOL!!


    What a lovely pink dress when do you change back to a Duck?! quack quack waddle waddle! :D

    I'm ambi 'duck' strous...don't ya know!

    Hi Randy.... Thanks for the info.  Very Cool-i-o!

    I understood how to do the tree but my images were too big.  I downloaded the GIMP program and now I don't know what to do next.  Do I download an image by number into the Gimpy thingie then crop and move it into a new file.... then download from the new file?  Where do I put this file?

    Also do I go into my files on the computer and write down the image number and then open the Gimpy thingie and pick that number?  On the Gimpy thingie it is impossible to tell which photo is which.

    Also, if I mess up will I loose my photo?

    Remember, I am fairly new at this.

    Thanks Fishie.

    Headless Man

    GIMP, is a complicated program, but if you play with it you can do just about anything to a photo.
    I work on a Mac and I know what I say may not be compatible to a PC.
    After opening GIMP open your photo then look at image then go to image properties and see file size before and after you crop to see the difference in size, it should be 1 MB or less to upload. when you crop crop to 800 pixels and you might want to also look at the pixel count and make sure it is cut down to 50.000 if photo is for online only, you want that high for printing, make sure the little chain is connected so photo is cut to scale. Always "save as" and change name to save your original unchanged, and I always make a copy of original first to be sure. GOOD LUCK.....

    I can't get either way to work. I don't even know where to look for the GIMP program now. It's somewhere, I saw the little rectangels with information this morning. I fired up my kiln, came back to the computer and POOF! gone.
    Headless Man

    Well I could walk you through it on a Mac but not on a PC, you should be able to do a search for it.

    I have a friend that pointed me in the right direction. I have found two different programs and now I need to perfect the process.

    Watch out for this guy..""



    I guess the "tree thing" doesn't work for you either, daren?! (Somehow this picture is distorted.) LOL!
    Headless Man


    More proof our FDA (USA) inspectors are underpaid !!

    OH MY...there are 2 of them?!? Thought we had the only one! lol


    photo>Todd Standing


    Thanks Lindilou. This series is called 'Georgia'. I don't sell on the Island as it is frowned upon by the ceramic community on the Island. I have only been firing for just over a year and selling my work for the past six months.
    This particular series took me five years to perfect. I began the work while I was in school and ended up with this about four months ago.

    Actually I have been selling for 10 months now... this year is flying by!


    I see you all


    This guy is better than your "raging" dog! lol

    Pretty kitty, HM! :)
    Headless Man

    I like my dog........

    I like your wife's dog better. :)
    Headless Man

    Just some editing trivia, the Giraffe has the cats

    Eye am on Aka!""

    Still looking for more.........



    Is that you, in the eyeball reflection?
    Headless Man

    No this is not my photo......

    Just wondering 'cause that's a real picture of me, up above, in my favorite pink dress! :)
    Headless Man

    But, I thought you were a duck?

    Awsome Randy!

    What you don't see, wont hurt you.  lol 


    Are you an ostrich?

    Wow you got me on first guess!! :)

    "" Try now with these...

    I couldn't do it. Besides, all of my pictures on my PC are boring. I'll try again tomorrow.....

    Headless Man

    Do that, can't wait to see some boring

    J..just google pictures (on any topic) and you'll find gazillions to choose from...they don't need to be your personal pics. :)

    Yes, JH...just google for what you want. Say if we were discussig pirates, I'd enter 'pirate gifs' and a plethora pops up. Good luck! :)

    A plethora? What color are they? haha



    Did not work

    Did you select "save picture as" ?

    Usually when there's a red x , the person is trying a copy and paste job.

    PS, if they are personal pix, they may just be too big for the site to handle.

    I am having a heck of a time adjusting sizes. augh!

    Yes,it is a huge pain to try and resize. Maybe you can find a programme to resize them before you try to upload here?
    Headless Man

    GIMP is a free download that will let you resize and edit.

    It's easy once you learn how, as explained on Fishlet's top post.
    I'm sure if you just want to resize that you have a program that will let you do that, one came with my Mac that is easy but not for PC. Ask a PC friend.....

    Hello from the friendly cat""

    Headless Man

    Nice, I'm sure I see that cat waving......

    Really cute! :)

    you're welcome:)



    This sort of worked!

    Woooohoooooooo, way to go, Fishie!

    Is this your work? Of course it is!!!Do you sell on the Island?...I'm in love!!! :)
    Headless Man

    Good job, now try it again about half size......

    I gave up trying to make it half size. I have to make more of these... who has the time to sit on the computer all day? :D!

    I'll have to make it to the continent sometime!!! Beauty work! le' perfecsione!

    Check my answer Fishlet :)
    Headless Man

    Fishlet, check out my explaining of GIMP showing the right window.

    Thats a lovely piece of pottery, you are a very clever fish. Seriously that is really nice.

    Oh fishie...that is soooooo pretty!!!!

    Thank you SunnyB and thank you Ducky! :)

    It is not that hard to resize it. try again please :)

    I will try this on the question you asked about photos from where we live. 
    While I enjoy most of the photos and cartoons, I don't really appreciate them being used in every answer.   


    A picure's worth a thousand words (especially when misspelled)...

    Only JPG files work for me while in comments nothing works

    "" ""

    Headless Man

    Cute, yes you can't in comments, maybe with HTML but not necessary I guess.
    Headless Man

    HTML won't work on comments either...... but links will.....

    Cute pic, Val. :)

    Looking at us from Madagascar...

    Oh my goodness!

    HTML do work in comments.

    It Just won't do it.


    Keep practising Sunny! :)

    Left click on Upload Image, then left click on Browse, you will probably see Libraries (systems folder) in the box that pops up, so right click on that and choose Open.

    Then folders like Documents, Videos, Music and Pictures will appear. Right click and choose Open Pictures (or preview, if you want to see them first.) Right click on the one you want, click 'Open' on the box, below 'All Files' in the big box you're working in.

    Then just click Upload Image and you've got it! :)

    Write the instructions out, that's what I did when I was learning and good luck.

    I can't get it to work either. I have tried all sorts of images.
    I have done exactly what Dardaigh has said to do and it doesn't work.

    Well, maybe if you just try all left clicking or something like that Sunny. Good luck. :)

    No, no! Not a'tall, a'tall. This is the down-side of talking to people through typing, Sunny! I really DO hope it eventually works for you. :)

    I will try...


    Yes, Doo, you can do it! :)

    Too bad my mini me isn't only took two little konks on my head to get it!!!But I can't explain it...maybe it was those konks ...duh...:D


                      Just out for a short walk with the little one!

    Headless Man

    Can I ride

    So, you're a centaur, Shootah? lol ;)

    This is a snapshot of the GIMP window where you size your photo.


    Open GIMP go to "file" and open your photo then click on "image" on the headings, then click on "scale image", that will open the window above, crop to 800 pixels and you might want to also look at the resolution and make sure it is cut down also 50.000 is good, make sure the little chain links are closed by clicking on them so it will crop the image to scale. Click Scale bottom right, then save as under "file" and rename photo ( just add 1 or a new name so you will know it's the smaller photo) and save.


    Randy this didn't show up on my download. Something surely is missing. This is why my images and software didn't mix.
    Headless Man

    I would think the PC version would be the same, but apparently not. There should be a program on PC to crop and change resolution.



    Just trying to see if HTML will work here........

    Only the link, not the HTML, unless I made a mistake, very


    HTML work in comments only.
    Headless Man

    Where is my link wrong?

    I'm still trying, really I am

    Headless Man

    Can I help in any way....?

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