    How would you like your car to take the driving test, instead of you? The next step is driverless cars! They have aready been tested and driven 300,000 miles in the US.

    0  Views: 580 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    That sounds like a great idea, no more driving just sit back and be driven. I bet all those parents who drive their kids around like a taxi service would be pleased too.


    brings backseat driving to whole new level....think I like it !

    Yes lambshank, My wife and her mother have been that for years.

    I'm sure they would be whole lot safer than some of the erratic, inexperienced,  drunk,to mention but a few, personally I would welcome this technology but I would need to know more, for example what if a child was to run in front of the vehicle ? would it choose to take risky evasive action?  So many scenario's as yet unanswered, . but I do like the idea and am grateful for reversing camera's, seat belt warnings and any other device modern technology can manage to keep us all safe, a friend was killed this morning in a head on collision, possibly another two may lose their lives, why....we don't know, human error? probably, if automobiles could be manufactured to do the seemingly impossible and keep us all safe I'm sure many of us would sleep better the next time a loved one was late


    I am so sorry about your friend!!

    The way they drive were I am at it would be nice to see cars drive them selfs. But 300,000 miles is a drop in the bucket for what will be needed in testing and safety.


    I agree.

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