    what is the best way to calm nerves

    +3  Views: 1150 Answers: 18 Posted: 12 years ago

    18 Answers

    Close your eyes take deep breaths in and out mind blank .Should help .

    I meditate.

    nice relaxing bubble bath.  ahhhhh... calgon, take me away!!!!!


    "You cant "GO" dressed like that! In your "birthday suit" "What will the Neighbours say ?? "Who cares "Just hold on I will get my "Camera"

    I have nerves-ousness.  That means physical rather than emotional, psychological, or mental stress. Stretching and exercising (walk, bike ride, swim) where your mind focuses on one step after another, helps.  Having a distraction that requires you to focus (bowling for me, golf, tennis, sewing, woodwork, pottery) can also take your mind away from the stressers. For your body, be careful of what you do to ease the nerve strain. 

    Take SLOW deep breaths and control your breathing....Panic attacks are often caused by people breathing short sharp,fast breaths and taking in TOO much Oxygen at a time...Your brain is then swamped with Oxygen...when in reality it needs Carbon Dioxide to assist brain function!!...If you start feeling like you are heading for a panic attack..then use the paper bag"TRICK" ie breathe in and out SLOWLY With a paper bag covering nose and mouth..that means the Oxygen exhales is rebreathed in as Carbon Dioxide...therefore righting the brains function...simple and highly effective!!...some people swear by yoga and pilates etc...Me..I couldn`t sit still for long enough!!:-0LOL!!

    When all else fails, take a Xanax............


    That should be a LAST resort!!;->

    Again, I'm with you. : ) gmta?

    Daily exercise, less caffeine, yoga, mediatation, deep breathing.

    Also check out following link:

     An hour to a nervous person seems like forever. It is essential that a nervous person has outside interest so that time passes quickly.

    Somebody once told me that a nice cold glass of water is the best thing for nerves.I have never been a particularly nervous person so I can't really say whether it works.It's worth a try tho.Good luck!


    I will keep my water bottles in the fridge. I've never heard about the cold water trick ... but I'll sure try it.

    Camomile tea...Valerian Root tea...avoidance of that which causes distress...checking your self-talk...Creative Visualization...nice walk in Nature...and...""

    Deep breaths, meditation, and prayers.

    Here are some tips: › Health and Fitness › Mental Health

    Identify and address the cause, then take pro active steps in avoiding or addressing  the issues that are causing this, alleviate stress related symptoms by doing whatever it is that you enjoy or know that relaxes you, a warm bath, a chat with friends, a walk with your puppy, a swim etc

    Do deep-breathing. Take long walks.Stay away from too much caffeine.

    Meds- Xanax, Valium, Naturally- a variety already listed, they also say using mints(Pepper/Spear) helps.

    Do something to take your mind off the problem, have a drink, relax, chill out.

    akaqa works for me 

    " (SEX) " It works for me ! " Tell you what ! "

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