    how long does marijuana take to leave your system

    +1  Views: 1811 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    According to the website of Columbia University's Health Services:

    Marijuana itself does not "stay" in your system, but the main chemical in marijuana, THC, does. In fact, it may stay in your system forever because it is stored in fatty tissues of various organs.

    Despite being stored in body fat, THC is only detectable for a certain amount of time. Many drug tests, including urine tests, look for 9-carboxy-THC which is the by-product of your body metabolizing the THC in your fat.

    Marijuana Detection Times:

    Frequent users blood drug test (defined as someone who smokes several times per week)
    THC: 4-8 hours after smoking
    THC by-product: 2 or more weeks after smoking

    Frequent users urine drug test
    THC by-product: 2 weeks to a month after smoking (3 months for extremely heavy users)

    Infrequent users blood drug test
    THC: 3-4 hours after smoking
    THC by-product: 2-3 days after smoking

    Infrequent users urine drug test
    THC by-product: up to 10 days after smoking

    If you smoke it occaionally it will stay in your system for 10 days. If you smoke regularly, it will stay in your system 45 days and up to 90 days

    as pythonlover said is all coreect and what Ann said as well but they can still test it from your urine!

    Hello Python lover , well it looks like to me that Mss. Ann is "RIGHT",  well if you're testin like me , its a rap!!!!  try the juice from the pickle jar it works and taste's better than plain vinegar....


    Deleted User

    prune and beetroot juice :. yuck can clear the system to give a faded reading

    Hair folical test can tell you when, how much, as long as you have hair on your head.

    Deleted User

    Thats why 2mm is the best length :)

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