    Did you hear about the woman who died after drinking 18 litres of Coca Cola a day?

    +8  Views: 1580 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    12 Answers

    Yeah it does happen..:-¬...Anyone who drinks vast amounts of ANYTHING including in SEVERE danger of messing up their Sodium and Potassium (Electrolyte)balance...which affects the hearts ability to function!:-¬

    I read the story. I would have thought she had drowned instead of heart failure. I read a story once about a woman afraid of stomach cancer who would stand under a shower to drink lot of water and ended up drowning from so much fluid retention......


    that's not nice!!

    Up in the Arctic it appears that they're pushing it to Polar Bears!!!What's the world comin' to?   eggie?!  :D""


    They were pushing it for years. Its not healthy at all and never was.

    It's a wonder that much Coke didn't pickle her. They probably won't need to embalm her at the funeral home.Sounds like she's been working on that herself.

    And who says "Coke Adds Life"?



    Cute,Coca Cola around the world.

    I couldn't imagine someone wanting to drink that much of it. The article didn't mention it, but I wonder if her daily consumption of that might have also lead to her being obese, in light of the fact it mentioned she didn't eat much else.

    I'm amazed she didn't die of untreated diabetes!


       Almost sounds like a miracle drug, doesn't it?   (Ad from early 1900's)


    That's 'cause it was chock full of cocaine!!That's the coca part of coca-cola!!I think they took it out of the mix in the 1930s.

    Who would be that stupid?  And her husband, too, for allowing it. 


    Read the article. It wasn't just the soda.

    Russ..."for allowing it" ????

    Yes. Allowing. If he is a loving, caring husband, he's not going to stand by and watch his wife destroy herself with such a horrible diet. If you are married to someone like this woman, you are going to do everything possible to stop her from killing herself. It was suicide and he just watched.

    Contributing factor, no doubt; interesting how the headline features Coke instead of 8 kids before age 30, pack and half of cigs every day, poor nutrition.......
    Maybe that's what we should tell our kids when they screw up....  "Well, if you'd just stop drinking soda, that wouldn't happen."   

    My uncle used to drive a coca cola delivery truck! He had an accident so we had cases of coke in bottles in our back yard. I was about 6 or 7 and my brother about 5 > we stole a bottle opener and drank about a case of it! We  were sick  for two days! Also in big trouble for our theivery!

    It was a miracle drug, cocaine, when it was invented.  The law stopped it as kids started to drink it.  It was a result of the Food and Drug Act of 1906.

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