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    Hi there im Candy, I just wanna start by saying i do not represent any one but me and iam trying to start a sustainable garden in a homeless shelter to empower the homeless into commiting to a garden that is sustainable and that doesnt need much tending to ..... i have the seeds and a recipe for homemade washing powder so the washing maching can go through basic home made grey water cycle and into garden the garden beds are established and the plants are available and thats were im asking you for ideas i need to give the beds nutrients so thay grow well .... but i need to do it at no cost .... ive been collecting seeds and plants for free and i have been educating myself for free to proove to them you can have things without money that help you survive that it is possible that the universe will provide for them if they just commit to the set up it will all happen naturally ... if you have ideas or can help id really apppreciate your time and enrgy... and its a very emotionally satisfying cause so if you can help please do Kind regards Candy :0)

    0  Views: 544 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

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